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NAFIN and Guanajuato Contigo Sí sign agreement

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NAFIN and Guanajuato Contigo Sí sign agreement

A fund for 1,740 million pesos is made available to finance the productive sector of Guanajuato Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer

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A fund for 1,740 million pesos is made available to finance the productive sector of Guanajuato

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Guanajuato/Gto News

With a total fund of $1,740 million pesos to support MSMEs, Nacional Financiera and the Government of Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, through Guanajuato Funds, signed the agreement for the “NAFIN + Guanajuato Contigo Sí” Guarantee program.

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In this firm, Officials announced the contribution that Guanajuato Funds will make of 100 million pesos, and the multiplication of the resource 17.4 times by NAFIN to have a grand total of $1,740 million pesos with a fixed annual interest rate of 14.7 percent cent.

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In the event were the Western Regional Director of Nacional Financiera, Martin Maisterra Vaca; the Undersecretary for the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development, Joel Froylan Salas Navarro; the representative of Nacional Financiera in Guanajuato, Carlos Gilberto Magdaleno del Mazo and the General Director of Guanajuato Funds, Juan Antonio Guzman Acosta.

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The Undersecretary for the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development, Joel Froylan Salas Navarro, pointed out that the signing of this collaboration agreement strengthens the economic recovery in Guanajuato.

He explained that this is the second agreement signed with Nacional Financiera, so that together, they complete an amount greater than 3.4 billion pesos “of flexible, timely and affordable credits available in Commercial Banking for financing”.

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“To continue advancing in the reactivation and in the economic recovery, and these are credits that allow us to support any activity and any objective:

  • A production line
  • Expand our productive infrastructure
  • Generate the purchase of materials to continue advancing in the supply and
  • Open the possibility for the entire ecosystem of the 11 clusters to enter these financing program”, said Salas Navarro.

In his speech, the Western Regional Director of Nacional Financiera, Martin Maisterra Vaca, commented that this signing is also the result of the great work that has been done between NAFIN and the Government of the State of Guanajuato.

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“We have great coordination and with this what we are looking for is to support small and medium-sized companies to be able to deliver financial resources in a timely manner, with much better characteristics in terms of periods, amounts and guarantees”, said Maisterra Vaca.

“It is a great opportunity for companies in Guanajuato and we must do promotional work so that companies that have economic needs can gain access to this financing”, said the Regional Director.

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The General Director of Guanajuato Funds, Juan Antonio Guzman Acosta, noted that during the pandemic, 1.9 billion pesos were placed by this state financial instutution, and the recovery of said credits, precisely, has the possibility to contribute the 100 million pesos for this guarantee program.

“The issue is relevant because it is obvious that the resources of Guanajuato are well used… but also because Guanajuato has a very important demand for financing, because Guanajuato is having an increase in its production that is also very interesting”, said Guzman Acosta.

For more information, go to:

  • fondo.guanajuato.gob.mx

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