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Municipal Police is strengthened

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Municipal Police is strengthened

It is everyone's responsibility to build the peace that we require for the people of Guanajuato: Diego Sinhue Guidelines are approved at the XIV O

Public security is improved
UVEG is part of professionalization of police corps
Municipalities get Security gear

It is everyone’s responsibility to build the peace that we require for the people of Guanajuato: Diego Sinhue

Guidelines are approved at the XIV Ordinary Session of the State Council of Public Security

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Irapuato/Gto News

The Guidelines, Criteria, Distribution Formula and Catalog of Goods and Services for the delivery of the State Fund for the Strengthening of Municipal Public Security for 2022 were presented and approved, and now the 46 municipalities may join and receive resources for equipment and professionalization for their Municipal police.


“I want to highlight the commitment of this State Administration to continue supporting the strengthening of municipal public security corporations,” said the Governor of the State, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, while presiding over the XIV Ordinary Session of the State Public Security Council.

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“Since the start of the State Administration, we presented our Decalogue for Security, where we said that we want strong police and strong municipalities and for this reason we established the Fund for the Strengthening of Municipal Public Security”, said the Governor.

The original goal of the Government Program, added the Governor, is to support the strengthening of Municipal Police Corporations with 600 million pesos, to be delivered 200 million per year.

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This 2022 exceeds the initial commitment and financing was again granted to the State Fund for the Strengthening of Municipal Public Security, with another 200 million pesos, to continue with the equipment and professionalization of municipal corporations, adding up to 800 million pesos to strengthen the security of municipal corporations so far in the current state administration.

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“It is a process and a transparent mechanism that also demands results; I invite you to keep your spirits up and continue working together and united, so that we have in Guanajuato a better prepared municipal police, better equipped and with better results”, urged Rodriguez Vallejo.

“This support is for everyone and we need to close ranks with Security in Guanajuato; it is everyone’s responsibility to build the peace that we require for the people of Guanajuato,” said the Governor.

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The State Public Security Council is the Higher organism of the State Public Security System, which defines collaboration strategies to facilitate cooperation between the State and Municipalities, and promote the generation of indicators. 

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This Council is chaired by the Governor of the State, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo; The Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez, acts as Technical Secretary of the Council, which is made up of representatives from all levels of Government, the State Powers, and social and business groups.

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