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Municipal police are trained

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Municipal police are trained

The Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez, launched the diploma "Citizen security and information management in

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The Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez, launched the diploma “Citizen security and information management in police institutions”, for members of the municipal police forces of Penjamo, Abasolo and Cueramaro

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Penjamo/Gto News

“With events like these, where members of the Municipal Police are trained, a great step is taken in the professionalization of corporations, and together, the Government in collaboration with society, we work to close the door to crime and guarantee peace and calm of citizens”, said the Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez.


The Secretary launched the diploma “Citizen security and information management in police institutions”, for members of the municipal police of Penjamo, Abasolo and Cueramaro.

Representing the State Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, Huett recognized the efforts to collaborate in the task of training, mainly to the participating municipalities, for working on security with a strong impulse from the local level.

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Likewise, he invited the members of the corporations to open up to knowledge and learn from the instructors and from the experiences that each one contributes, in addition to replicating the knowledge acquired in their institutions.

“The responsibility for security is a shared effort, and of course, thanks also to the “Acting for Guanajuato” foundation, which with the support of Fidesseg, the training institutions, the Institute for Security and Democracy AC (INSYDE) and the Collective for Analysis of Security with Democracy (CASEDE), work in a coordinated and comprehensive manner for security, only in this way, working as a team, will we achieve better results”, said Huett.

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The Secretary explained that the Fidessseg, is a trust made up of the payroll tax contributions paid by businessmen and women in Guanajuato, and that they have the clarity to contribute their grain of sand to improve security and social development; and that in turn, through foundations such as Acting for Guanajuato, and in communication with the municipalities, they do projects to strengthen their corporations.

“The State Government”, insisted the Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett López, “is an ally in this fight against crime, and since the beginning of this State Administration, municipal corporations have been supported as never before, both in training and equipment, through the State Fund for the Strengthening of Municipal Public Security, the only one in the country, where municipal police officers are directly supported”.

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It is a fund that by 2022 already adds 800 million pesos, a direct investment from the State to municipal institutions, prior compliance with 45 security commitments set by the Law.

“The task of public security is not easy, for this reason, the State Government continues to promote the strengthening of the municipal police, investing in this 2023, 200 million pesos more for the State Fund, directly to the municipal institutions, with which that would add a million pesos to security so far in the current Administration”, informed Huett.

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