Guanajuato has 11 economic industrial clusters from different sectors that create a competitive environment The companies in the clusters generate
Guanajuato has 11 economic industrial clusters from different sectors that create a competitive environment
The companies in the clusters generate more than 800,000 direct jobs
Irapuato/Gto News
The 11 industrial clusters integrated in the state of Guanajuato, add up more than 3,800 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises -MSMEs- that generate more than 800 thousand jobs that increase the standard of quality of life of the people who collaborate in them.

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo through its economic policy strengthens the productive system of Guanajuato by facilitating the association of companies in the same sector to face common challenges and find collective solutions.

The Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development -SDES- Ramon Alfaro Gomez said that by joining forces, companies have the opportunity to carry out strategies that allow them to be more competitive with the support of the state administration.

In Guanajuato, the sectors that have an articulated cluster are:
- Logistics and Mobility Cluster
- Bajio Aerospace Cluster
- Pottery and Ceramics Cluster
- Information Technology Cluster
- Bajio Construction Cluster
- Housing Cluster
- Medical Devices and Health Sciences Cluster
- Food Cluster
- Automotive Cluster
- Fashion Cluster
- Chemical Cluster

Alfaro Gomez explained that this synergy brings great benefits, such as:
- Access to shared resources, development of supply chains, increased competitiveness of human talent, innovation, research, promotion of exports, among other
The Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development -SDES- facilitates the necessary conditions for local companies to competitively join the value chain, favoring the generation of wealth.
Additionally, companies can participate in government strategies such as:
- Business meetings, supplier development, technological development, marketing, innovation, access to financing, specialized consulting, among other actions and support

The cluster strategy is the means by which Guanajuato companies identify and capitalize on business opportunities to integrate into the supply of large companies established or about to be establish in Guanajuato thanks to the investment attraction policy.
By joining forces and strengths, local companies have the opportunity to carry out strategies that help them be more competitive by aligning their production processes in the transition from manufacturing to mind-manufacturing within the regulations of industry 4.0.