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More public works for Salamanca

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More public works for Salamanca

The modernization works of the Coria Canal are finished More works and actions are coming for the benefit of the inhabitants of Salamanca: Governo

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The modernization works of the Coria Canal are finished

More works and actions are coming for the benefit of the inhabitants of Salamanca: Governor

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Salamanca/Gto News

“This year we are going to promote more hydraulic infrastructure actions, because we are betting on water for the benefit of the people of Guanajuato, proof of this is the delivery of the modernization works of the Canal de Coria, an important part of the Irrigation District 011”, said the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.


“It is a pleasure to be in Salamanca, with the Mayor Julio Cesar Ernesto Prieto with whom we are working shoulder to shoulder to improve the quality of life of the families of this municipality”, said the Governor in his work tour in Salamanca.

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Rodriguez Vallejo explained that it was around 5 kilometers, in different sections of the canal, that were covered with concrete. These works come to improve the conduction of water, for the crops in the area, directly benefiting a total of 30 thousand 545 hectares.

Almost 70 million pesos were invested in these works. In which the State Government and CONAGUA participated equally, to support the producers of this irrigation district, noted the Governor.

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“Here there is a responsibility of the three levels of government and agricultural producers, that of keeping the bodies of water in good condition in favor of the environment and for the safety of the population”, said the Governor.

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Rodriguez Vallejo recognized the coordination with CONAGUA to promote the hydraulic projects required by the people of Guanajuato, which will be completed this year.

The Governor of Guanajuato presented the rehabilitation works of the rural road La Compania–Razos de Ancon, in which an investment of 11.5 million pesos was made in equal parts by the State and the Municipality.

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“And more works are coming to Salamanca, they have our full support to continue promoting the works that improve the quality of life of families in this municipality,” said the Governor.

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