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More investment for Guanajuato

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More investment for Guanajuato

The place has a daily distribution capacity of more than 1,500 tons of finished product and a storage capacity of over 12 thousand tons of Grupo D

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The place has a daily distribution capacity of more than 1,500 tons of finished product and a storage capacity of over 12 thousand tons of

Grupo DEACERO is now operating its Macrohub Bajio, it is a warehouse of 35 thousand square meters

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Villagran/Gto News

With the start of operations of the Macrohub Bajío of Grupo DEACERO with more than 16 million dollars and 500 direct and indirect jobs, Guanajuato reaffirms its support so that more national and international companies invest with trust to create jobs and economic development.

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Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, highlighted that thanks to the competitive advantages, logistics, connectivity and the rule of law, morecompanies like DEACERO decide to invest in Guanajuato.

DEACERO Investment Guanajuato 3

The state is consolidated as the most important logistics center in Mexico, since it is in a privileged geographical location, it icludes within a radius of:

  • 400 kilometers
  • 80% of the Mexican market
  • 70% of industrial facilities
  • 60% of Mexico’s population

“Either way you see Guanajuato, it has become a logistics hub and that is the bet for the future and hubs like Grupo DEACERO, let us to go on that route, the geographical location consolidates us as an important logistics center in the country,” said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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“Today we want to move from manufacture to Mindfacture to generate wealth through knowledge, for this reason, we are betting on the Valley of Mindfacture, a vision in 20 or 30 years with faster results, since it has educational ecosystems, research, technological development and industry 4.0”, said the Governor.

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“Here in Guanajuato, we see businessmen as allies, as men and women who risk their patrimony and put their talent to employ many people; I have said it and I insist: the best way to end poverty is by generating wealth, formal jobs; because gifts only keep people in a vicious circle of poverty”

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo
Governor of Guanajuato

“If you want to get someone out of poverty, offer them a formal job with benefits and well paid, which allows them to plan for the future to get out of a marginal situation; and the ones who generate the jobs are not the governments, it’s businessmen”, said Rodríguez Vallejo.

With 70 years of history, the Governor noted, this company has been part of social and economic development since 1998 and has contributed to the construction of a state-of-the-art and innovative Guanajuato; an industrial, competitive, global Guanajuato, and oriented to quality and excellence.

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“From the start we wanted to invest in the region because it represents a strategic geographic location for the company and because of the ideal proximity to the clients that it needs to serve. For this reason, we are very excited about the entry into operation of the Bajío Macrohub, which benefits the community and the economic growth of Mexico”

Raúl Gutiérrez Durán
Director of Logistics and Supply and DEACERO Logistics

David Gutiérrez Muguerza, General Director of Grupo DEACERO and president of the National Chamber of the Iron and Steel Industry (CANACERO) emphasized that the project contributes to the strengthening of value chains, as well as the generation of a resilient, inclusive and competitive economic region.

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The Bajío DEACERO Macrohub is a:

  • 35,000 square meter warehouse
  • A capacity to distribute more than 1,500 tons of finished product per day Installed capacity of more than 12,000 tons of storage
  • It will serve more than 730 customers and distributors
  • Transfer wires and steel products to enhance the development of the region
  • Service the Central and Pacific zone of Mexico
  • Reinforce exports to 11 destinations in the United States and Latin America

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