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More companies come to Guanajuato

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More companies come to Guanajuato

Trasvase starts operations at the cargo area of Ferroenlaces, Gentherm exports for Premium vehicles Gentherm has more jobs in its plans for 2021

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Transport Logistics grows in Guanajuato

Trasvase starts operations at the cargo area of Ferroenlaces, Gentherm exports for Premium vehicles

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Gentherm has more jobs in its plans for 2021

More than 60 companies have arrived in Guanajuato in this administration, says the Governor

Celaya/Gto News

The State Administration of Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo has attracted more than 60 foreign companies with a total investment of 2,400 million dollars.


Visit in Celaya

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, was on a visit in Celaya where he was present at the start of operations of the terminal station of General Cargo of Trasvase at Ferroenlaces, and he also supervised the premises of the plant Gentherm.

The Governor who was with the Mayor of Celaya, Elvira Paniagua, noted that Guanajuato maintains its position as an attractive place for investors because they perceive the State as certain and trustworthy, besides in the State the rule of law is respected.

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Providers of components for top level vehicles

A step ahead

“We go a step ahead, to make of Guanajuato the logistics center of Mexico. And that is why we are really glad with the investment made by Ferroenlaces, in this cargo terminal”, said Rodriguez Vallejo. It is an investment for 130 million pesos and the operation of the terminal will generate 100 jobs by March 2021, noted the Governor.

In Celaya, said the Governor, we are developing a logistic situation park with an inter-modal port for the handling and shipment of cargo both, on road and on train.

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A value service

Guanajuato has two of the most important companies in transport of freight by train. And it is very important that Ferroenlaces decided to build this terminal in Guanajuato, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

The Governor explained that the trasvase terminals are an important link within the value chain of transport, since they complete the train service through shipping, cargo, and shipment, packing and local distribution.

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The Gentherm plant in Celaya

The Governor at Gentherm

Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, was on a visit to the plant of Gentherm, located in the Parque Amistad, this company  produces components for comfort systems in Premium class vehicles. More than 1,200 people work, both men and women.

The Governor thanked the invitation to visit the plant and recognized the company because it has promised to open 250 more new jobs in 2021.

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Important customers

The main customers of Gentherm are: FCA, BMW, Ford, GM, Honda, KIA, Toyota, Tesla, Hyundai, Mercedes Benz and Nissan.

They also sell to companies like Bosch Toluca, and Bosch Anderson in North Carolina, USA