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Monkeypox is in Guanajuato

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Monkeypox is in Guanajuato

The infected is in Leon and apparently he was contagiated during a trip, civilians are called to increase health protection The Guanajuato Health

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The infected is in Leon and apparently he was contagiated during a trip, civilians are called to increase health protection

The Guanajuato Health System confirmed the first case

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Guanajuato Health System confirmed the first case in Guanajuato of contagion of Monkeypox.


The Head of the Guanajuato Health System, Dr. Daniel Diaz Martinez isaid that this is a 54-year-old patient from Leon and was detected, diagnosed and treated by the Mexican Institute of Social Security, IMSS.

He said that the IMSS first captured the sample to later be referred to the National Epidemiological Reference Institute, thus confirming the first case in Guanajuato.

Monkeypox Guanajuato GtoHealthSystem 3

Diaz Martinez reported that everything indicates that it is an imported case, in relation to the trips made by this patient.

So far there is a record of two other suspected cases, however, these are still under study and have not yet been ruled out or confirmed.

The evolution of the patient has been positive with no risk of death.

Guanajuato continues with a close epidemiological search of posible infected who have been in countries or regions where cases have already occurred.

Monkeypox Guanajuato GtoHealthSystem 4

Monkeypox is classified as a disease that is transmitted by direct contact of people, in addition to the fact that this disease does not register the same rate of transmissibility as the disease by Covid 19, nor are the same mortality risks registered.

It is a febrile disease with skin lesions, fever and ganglion growths with attacks on the general health condition.

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