Mariachis from Mineral de Pozos, San Luis de la Paz, Celaya, Ciudad Juarez, Oaxaca and Guadalajara will be present Some mariachis have applied ask
Mariachis from Mineral de Pozos, San Luis de la Paz, Celaya, Ciudad Juarez, Oaxaca and Guadalajara will be present
Some mariachis have applied asking to be part of the festival for up to 2 years in advance

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Mineral de Pozos/Gto News
This year, the Magical Town of Mineral de Pozos, San Luis de la Paz, celebrates the 24th anniversary of the “International Mariachi Festival”, on April 27, 28 and 29.

Reactivating economy
The Government of the State of Guanajuato, through the Ministry of Tourism, working with City Public Administrations, continue to reactivate the local economy of the sectors, preserving the roots and traditions, and strengthening the tourist vocation of each destination, promoting the cultural, artistic and gastronomic traditions.

All working for Guanajuato
Officials present to inform the details of this event that exchanges culture with other Mexican States were, Frida Huett Lopez, director of Tourism Products of the Ministry of Tourism; Luis Gerardo Sanchez Sanchez, mayor of San Luis de la Paz; Evaristo Covarrubias, General Director of the Festival; and Evaristo Soto Cardenas, general secretary of the City Council of Tecalitlan, Jalisco, a State that is the guest of honor.

Quality musicians
Throughout 24 years, this event has had the presence of approximately 2,340 international quality musicians.

More visitors
Also the Festival has increased in number of spectators, in the 1st. edition there were less than 200 spectators and now, in the latest editions there are 2,000 to 3,000 people from different States of Mexico and the United States.

An example
This festival has been an example for other festivals in Mexico and it generates 128 direct jobs and 150 indirect jobs and has an economic benefit of some 3.5 million pesos.
The Mariachi Festival is mentioned in the official UNESCO document, where the mariachi is declared a cultural and intangible heritage of humanity.

Waiting list
In the 24 editions there has been an unparalleled participation, with requests by mariachi groups to be considered to participate for up to two years in advance.

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