On April 24 and 25 Guanajuatenses and visitors celebrate innovation, science and entrepreneurship World class speakers present their topics for 2
On April 24 and 25 Guanajuatenses and visitors celebrate innovation, science and entrepreneurship
World class speakers present their topics for 2 days
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Leon/Gto News
The Valley of Mindfacture, through IDEA GTO, will hold the third edition of the Day of Mindfacture -DMF24- on the Day of Creativity and Innovation celebrated by the United Nations. In a joint and articulated manner, the allies of the ecosystem will celebrate innovation, science and entrepreneurship.

For two days, global level conversations with a local accent will be presented. The ecosystem will show its capabilities, while promoting dialogue and learning on trending topics. Attendees will be able to learn about the opportunities in the Valley of Mindfacture to undertake and innovate with a global perspective.

The DMF24 will be an Innovation Festival that will feature conferences with international speakers, hackathons, panels, exhibitions, workshops and recognition of Mindfulness that will inspire attendees to talk and act guided by technological trends.
Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO said that it will be two intense days with more than 70 national and international panelists and speakers who will put Guanajuato in the global conversation.

World famous speakers will be present:
- Michio Kaku, Futurologist and Scientific Popularizer; Rosario Marin, former treasurer of the USA; Chumel Torres, Youtuber and Ann Hiatt, former collaborator of Amazon and Google, among other
In this couple of days, entrepreneurs will be able to show what they do and make connections; students will be able to learn about the topics that are trending in global conversations; people from companies will participate in high-level dialogues; and young people will be able to find routes to undertake.

Andres Morales, representative of UNESCO Mexico, said that science must be at the service of humanity and be inclusive.
“This is the second consecutive year that together with IDEA GTO we carry out Day of Mindfacture, because together we are promoting knowledge and innovation as necessary axes for sustainable development and peace, we are sure that Guanajuato is the place where science and technology converge for sustainable development”, said Morales.

Andres Morales said that Mindfacture Day coincides with the beginning of the International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development, declared by the United Nations General Assembly.
At DMF24, a variety of topics related to artificial intelligence, technological entrepreneurship, neurotechnology and the future will be addressed, among other issues that will be a great incentive to generate actions that impact the environment.

This year the DMF grows with two great alliances, the National Innovation Forum of National CANACINTRA and the International Artificial Intelligence Forum -AI Fest- of the MXTI Cluster are integrated; Companies that are leaders in innovation and that set the course for the country will meet in Guanajuato to visualize the future we aspire to.
This event is aimed at entrepreneurs, students, academics and businesswomen where they will, no doubt find a space to be inspired, create, undertake, innovate and design the future.
En Español: