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Mindfacture is an engine of Guanajuato

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Mindfacture is an engine of Guanajuato

Science, innovation and entrepreneurship are some of the goals at the reunion of the Valley of Mindfacture Leon/Gto News IDEA GTO reports a suc

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Science, innovation and entrepreneurship are some of the goals at the reunion of the Valley of Mindfacture

Leon/Gto News

IDEA GTO reports a success in its work with UNESCO and as part of the day of the future, the first Meeting of the Valley of Mindfacture was held with the goal of bringing together the actors of this great ecosystem and generate even stronger links to project Guanajuato to a superior level of development.

During the event, Juan Antonio Reus Montano highlighted the importance for the State of the public policy of the Valley of Mindfacture promoted by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, since it gives Guanajuato a very clear objective, to use scientific and technological development to make Guanajuato a competitive and innovative State.

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“In Guanajuato we are inspired by those examples of developed countries like Japan or Singapore, but what is important is that our State is creating its own future, because we have the capacity, the knowledge and an environment that allows us to develop as people and as professionals, because “The Valley of Mindfacture embraces us all and we are all an important part of this ecosystem”, said Reus Montano.

The Official also mentioned that Mindfacture is allowing resources to multiply to achieve greater use of them to achieve an economy where the resource that the other has is used to achieve higher causes, that is the spirit of the ecosystem.

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Andres Morales, Representative of UNESCO Mexico, said that “A year ago we had the opportunity to invite Governor Rodriguez Vallejo to be with us at the World Science Forum that was held in South Africa and for the first time from Africa it was possible to know what Mindfacture is, because it is a very good practice of how to put innovation, knowledge and science to the service of people, how to ensure that the entire ecosystem of entrepreneurs, businessmen, scientists, mentors, are at the service of putting “technology and innovation for sustainable development and social prosperity at the center”.

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After an incredible opening, the panel “Ethics in Artificial Intelligence” was presented with the participation of: Dorian Rommens, Coordinator of the Social and Human Sciences Sector at UNESCO Mexico, Jorge Paz, expert in data science and AI at IBM, Ivete Sanchez, Specialist in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at CIMAT and Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO. 

Another panel was: Academia-Industry Linkage. The Quintuple Helix,whichfeatured experts such as Paula Concepción Isiordia, Research Professor at the University of Guanajuato.

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Later, the venue was packed to receive Javier Santaolalla, a revolutionary and innovative speaker of science who offered the talk: The Power of Ideas, where he motivated more than one with his particular and fun way of explaining the physics of things.

“The most important is that in this possible multiverse, you live the reality where you dare to develop your ideas, to enhance them, to live without fear, however, the reality that you want to live is within you”, was part of the message of Santaolalla.

At the Valley of MindfactureMeeting, the citizens who are part of the Mindfacture Nodes were able to share with the attendees their life-transforming experiences that Mindfacturehas promoted.

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Karla Berman, Digital Transformation Specialist and shark of the Shark Tank Mexico program, talked about the importance of being innovative in each project and making it very clear what will differentiate you from the others and how simplicity is not at odds with creativity.

“I like entrepreneurs who know their industry very well, who have the data in hand to solve a very specific problem, that already differentiates them from others”, said Berman.

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To close this event, a meeting of the Global Network of Mentors was held, which featured the panel: Mentoring vs Coaching: Friends or Rivals for entrepreneurship? In which Jaime Gonzalez Molins, Coach and Director of Non Directive Institute and Jaime Guemes, Mentor and CEO USA and VivaBox participated.

The Network of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Gymnasiums could not be missed, it presented a workshop to strengthen capabilities and operations.

The actors of the Valley of Mindfacture were able to connect, see each other up close, interact and, above all, expand their knowledge, strengthening their networks and enhancing their ideas. With actions like this, Guanajuato is positioned as the epicenter of innovation.