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Migrants receive INAEBA certificate in Texas

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Migrants receive INAEBA certificate in Texas

INAEBA Guanajuato makes it easier for Mexican migrants in the US to certificate their education and to have an identification document Dallas, Tex

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INAEBA Guanajuato makes it easier for Mexican migrants in the US to certificate their education and to have an identification document

Dallas, Texas/Gto News

The Institute of Literacy and Basic Education for Adults -INAEBA- maintains care for migrants and their families who live outside of Mexico through the Education without Borders program.

The goal is to provide the education services of the institute in Guanajuato and abroad to resident migrants, repatriates, refugees and their families, who have incomplete education.

After working in September 2023 with the Mexican consulate in Texas , the INAEBA certificates are considered an official identification document for Guanajuato users residing in the United States, the first ones have already been delivered to  Mexicans at the Dallas consulate.

This official document has a photograph and a QR code that stores the beneficiary’s information. Guanajuato is the first Mexican State to issue certificate authentication in the whole USA.

Due to the collaboration and joint work by both States, Guanajuato and Texas, with the Education Without Borders program, 13 Mexicans now have a basic education certificate that will also help them authenticate their identity in Dallas, Texas.

The goal is that people who choose to study at INAEBA will open their possibilities to growth through education and can also prove their identity through the QR of the certificate that displays the beneficiary’s data.

The event was held at the Mexican Consulate in Dallas, Texas. In the event were Jose Jesus Correa Ramirez, General Director of INAEBA; Francisco de la Torre Galindo, Consul of Mexico in Dallas; Tereso Ortiz Alvarado, President of the Casa Guanajuato Center Dallas-Mexico and Evelyn Vera,  Consul attache of the Mexican Consulate in Dallas.

It was informed at the event that for migrants who will not be visiting Guanajuato, but are interested in accrediting their basic education from the United States and Canada can go to:

An electronic file must be completed with your CURP, an official identification -INE, consular letter, driving license-, a digital photograph. For those interested in accrediting secondary school, they must present their primary certificate or take a single exam for this level.

More attention is provided online, a diagnostic test is completed to find out your level of education. You can take the tests and once you are ready, you fill the exam that will give you the final grade. Then your certificate will be sent electronically or your family members can receive it physically from INAEBA staff.