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Migrants celebrate Fiestas Patrias

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Migrants celebrate Fiestas Patrias

92 students at the Migrant Center strengthen school and family coexistence within the National Holidays The migrants celebrated the anniversary of

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Independence celebrations
Viva Mexico’s Independence!!!

92 students at the Migrant Center strengthen school and family coexistence within the National Holidays

The migrants celebrated the anniversary of Mexico’s Independence

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Dolores Hidalgo CIN/Gto News

Upon the celebration of the national holidays for the 212th anniversary of the beginning of the Independence of Mexico, 92 students at the “Lady Mary” Migrant Education Center (CEM), in Dolores Hidalgo, created a safe and festive education environment that unfolds the capacities of all children and young people in vulnerable situations.


With the support, effort and commitment of advisors, education authorities, mothers and fathers, daughters and sons of migrant day laborers mainly from the state of Guerrero, approached the national holidays with a didactic sequence to make visible and promote a culture of inclusion of a unique Mexico.

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The advisors who provide care to students from early childhood, preschool, primary and secondary education thanked for the participation and support they have from mothers and, with it, the motivation shown by their students in the various actions they presented, since they consider that Children have better results when their skills and abilities are reinforced through recreational activities.

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With geniality and fun, historical moments such as The Call of Dolores were recreated, which involved artistic and scenic activities for the preparation of materials and clothing, an action that allowed for the creation of a space of healthy coexistence.

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Attention to the migrant population is a priority for the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato and recognizes the commitment of the education staff who turned the patriotic celebrations into an experience that strengthens school and family coexistence in girls, boys and young people in a migrant situation.

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