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Metal from Guanajuato to the world’s auto-industry

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Metal from Guanajuato to the world’s auto-industry

Companies from Guanajuato receive support and guide from cofoce to export taking their products to the international markets Da click en el link a

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Companies from Guanajuato receive support and guide from cofoce to export taking their products to the international markets

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Apaseo el Grande/Gto News

The Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade, COFOCE , seeks to bring more products from Guanajuato to the world, which is why it encourages companies to become exporters. To date, 1,500 Guanajuato companies have been internationalized, including success stories such as Boreal Metalworks.


Boreal Metalworks, a company that manufactures metal parts, mainly for the automotive sector currently exports to the United States, Canada, and Europe, with the support of COFOCE.

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Eugenio Rabago Oliveros, General Director of Metalworks, said that the company was born in 2010 with the goal to manufacture high-quality products but in a high-volume high-mix mode, its main sector, the automotive industry. And it is with the support of COFOCE that they have been able to export.

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“COFOCE has put the world in Guanajuato for us and that has helped us a lot to go out and focus our business on a totally export model, now all the opportunities we receive are basically from foreign companies and COFOCE supports us to be able to complete the projects”, said Eugenio Rabago.

The company goes through 4 main processes; laser cutting, folding, welding and painting, this guarantees that the final product is of export quality.

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Rabago said that currently their target market is abroad and they continue with projects in other countries.

Rabago invited those companies that want to export and do not know where or how to begin the approach to the support that the State Government offers through COFOCE, to take their products to other parts of the world.

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“You have to start somewhere, you have to get closer to COFOCE, get closer to the State Government programs, I was always a great participant in all the opportunities, conferences, all the forums, all that and that activity opens your mind, Possibilities open up for you, eventually opportunities come and then they happen, thanks to the fact that we already have support from the State and COFOCE”, he said.

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The great challenge

The great challenge of exporting is precisely going into the unknown, as every company that wants to move forward by taking a step towards exporting faces situations and challenges that must be faced.

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Eugenio Rabago Oliveros, considered as the main challenge when exporting, documentation, certifications and logistics issues that, he said, COFOCE has advised them by giving them the necessary tools, so that they can learn to do it on their own.

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To learn more about the national and state panorama of the opportunities that your company could have in marketing its products abroad, contact COFOCE at:

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