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Medicines are well stocked in Guanajuato

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Medicines are well stocked in Guanajuato

The State has the best and most transparent process of purchase in Mexico Medicines and treatment are guaranteed for Guanajuatenses Guanaju

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The State has the best and most transparent process of purchase in Mexico

Medicine Guaranteed Guanajuato 2

Medicines and treatment are guaranteed for Guanajuatenses

Guanajuato/Gto News

The State of Guanajuato stands out in Mexico in the provision of medicines, said Doctor Daniel Diaz Martinez, the Secretary of Health of Guanajuato.


Provisions at 95.5%

Guanajuato boasts a provision of 95.5% thanks to its non-adherence to the Institute of Health for Well Being –INSABI-, because it has a transparent legal system where it can use its budget tu purchase medicines so that Guanajuatenses won’t be left without medicines, including cancer medicines for children with a cancer diagnose.

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A well recognized system

The Health System has been recognized for the last 3 years in Mexico as the State System with the greatest transparency in the purchase of medicines and with the greatest level of supply.

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Right now DIMESA and Intercontinental are the two suppliers of medicines for Guanajuato, and they are there because they won that right in a legal form, two suppliers have been chosen so that there is no monopoly in the process.

No shortage

Daniel Diaz said that there is no shortage of medicines, and he also talked about the work his Secretary does with civil associations so that in Guanajuato no child is left without treatment or medicine, with a reserve of $20 million by the State to supply even when sometimes there is a shortage in the sector.

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Cancer patients are monitored

About the kids with cancer, Daniel Diaz said that Guanajuato is one of the Mexican States that right now work in a system of epidemiological watch for patients with cancer, for example, said Diaz, the Secretary has a registry of 140 kids with different types of cancer and solid tumors and they are in a single platform with patients of other Health institutions.

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