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Making real the water project to bring water to Guanajuatenses

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Making real the water project to bring water to Guanajuatenses

Intervention of the People's Government led by Libia Dennise, between producers of Guanajuatense farmlands and the Federal Government, has been funda

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Intervention of the People’s Government led by Libia Dennise, between producers of Guanajuatense farmlands and the Federal Government, has been fundamental in the advance of Irrigation District 011

Irrigation technology in Guanajuato will become a reality; 120 million cubic meters of water will be recovered and used for human consumption

Guanajuato/Gto News

As a result of the efforts of the Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, between Guanajuatense agricultural producers and the Federal Government, Guanajuato has a hydraulic project to modernize Irrigation District 011.

After many years of negotiations, Guanajuato will finally have a program that will make more efficient the use of water in agriculture, increase agricultural productivity, allocate part of the recovered water for human consumption, and guarantee the water supply for Guanajuato families.

These modernization efforts will recover 120 million cubic meters of water for the state of Guanajuato.

Mexican President announced a total investment of 51.83 billion pesos as part of the National Irrigation Technology Program, covering 200,000 hectares to recover 2,800 cubic meters of water and reuse them for human consumption.

The State budget is 6.412 billion pesos over the next five years for the intervention of Irrigation District 011, which includes the Alto Rio Lerma in the State of Guanajuato.

The investment in 2025 will be for 510 million pesos; the bidding process will be held in June, and work will begin in July of this year. The modernization works are expected to be completed by 2030.

These projects are part of the Federal Government’s National Irrigation Technology Plan, which aims to benefit more than 25,258 Guanajuatenses by modernizing 10,207 hectares of Irrigation District 011 in Guanajuato.

It was on March 1st when the Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, and the President of Mexico signed the historic agreement that includes Guanajuato in the Federal Government’s water plan, in compliance with the National Agreement for the Human Right to Water and Sustainability.

The modernization work in Irrigation District 011 is in addition to the construction of the aqueduct that will carry water from the Solis Dam to the municipalities of Celaya, Salamanca, Irapuato, Silao, and Leon, ensuring the sustainability and water supply for Guanajuatenses.

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