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<strong>Making Guanajuato more secure for tourists</strong>

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Making Guanajuato more secure for tourists

A working meeting was held with hoteliers and restaurateurs from Guanajuato Capital, to launch the State Tourist Security Plan Da click en el link

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A working meeting was held with hoteliers and restaurateurs from Guanajuato Capital, to launch the State Tourist Security Plan

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Guanajuato/Gto News

A working meeting was held with hoteliers and restaurateurs from the municipality, with the goal of starting in the State Capital the State Tourist Security Plan.


The session was headed by the Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, Sophia Huett Lopez; Mayor of Guanajuato City Alejandro Navarro Saldana and the Secretary of Citizen Security, Samuel Ugalde Garcia.

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The state criminal incidence was presented to tourist service operators, and the work carried out within the State Public Security Council was also discussed, as well as the municipal commitments, which in terms of security, must be fulfilled by the 46 municipalities , and the ways to have access to the State resources of the State Fund for the Strengthening of Public Security, which this year reaches its fifth year of operations with an accumulated amount of one thousand million pesos.

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Guanajuato City, explained the Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, has understood that in addition to the security results in operational matters and keeping its crime rates low, it is important to combat subjective insecurity, where according to the recent National Urban Public Security Survey -ENSU- carried out by INEGI, the capital brings good numbers in terms of perception, which means that the municipality pays attention to the issue.

“This is extremely important”, said Huett, “that Guanajuato City also works in this sense, especially since it is one of the main tourist attractions and one of the cities that identify us as a State”.

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“The community is a fundamental part, by strengthening a tourist culture in Guanajuatenses regardless of the sector in which they work, since they are also an important factor when tourists consider choosing their destination for vacation”, said Huett Lopez.

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“To this tourist security program, in addition to the participation of the tourism sector, hoteliers and restaurants, the authorities and the community, participants will be added, this is a daily and permanent work to which actors and sectors must be added”, said Huett.

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