Jalpa de Canovas, Dolores Hidalgo, Mineral de Pozos, Salvatierra, Yuriria and Comonfort maintain the distinctive Governor of Guanajuato and Federa
Jalpa de Canovas, Dolores Hidalgo, Mineral de Pozos, Salvatierra, Yuriria and Comonfort maintain the distinctive
Governor of Guanajuato and Federal Secretary of Tourism sign collaboration agreements for the tourism sector
Dolores Hidalgo, CIN/Gto News
“Congratulations to all the operators, tourism service providers, to all those who have done a great job; congratulations to the entire chain that serves tourism”, said Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, as he ratified the emblems of the 6 Magical Towns of Guanajuato.

The Governor and other Tourism Officials also signed the agreement of the Magical Color Routes program with the federal Secretary of Tourism.

The Federal Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico, abiding to applicable laws and regulations decided to update the designation as Pueblo Magico -Magic Town- to Jalpa de Canovas, Dolores Hidalgo, Mineral de Pozos, Salvatierra, Yuriria and Comonfort, establishes the document.

“It is a ratification that has a lot of value because they have worked a lot, first to be a Magical Town; second to maintain this status, and third to give a life, a future, a projection to their municipalities, to their towns, of which they are very proud, so congratulations to all the operators,” said the Governor.
The Secretary of Federal Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marques, delivered to the Municipal Presidents of each place, the ratification of the designation as Magical Towns, where visitors find symbolic attributes, legends, history, transcendent facts and everyday life.
“We will have to leave tourism more realistic for the benefit of the local population”, said Torruco.

“We are on the right track, we will leave good results and, above all, new products that will strengthen and attract the attention of the international market so that they continue visiting us in all corners of the country”, said the Federal Secretary.
In Guanajuato, the Magic Town destinations are considered an engine of development of tourism and this is achieved with transversal work between the Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato with State agencies, municipalities, committees of the 6 Magical Towns and their inhabitants; thus, the Sustainability Model was developed, the only one of its kind in Mexico, for the integration of society, economic development and care of the environment.

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sihue Rodriguez Vallejo; The Secretary of Federal Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marques and the Secretary Tourism of Guanajuato, Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel, signed three collaboration agreements to promote tourism in Guanajuato.

The first was Tourist Services:
- “Angeles Verdes”, for Tourist Assistance and Aid on highway sections of Guanajuato; through Los Angeles Verdes; Federal Tourism will provide 10 patrols and Guanajuato 10 more

The second was the ‘Magical Color Routes’:
- In collaboration with the Comex paint company, the “Corazon Urbano” civil association and the municipalities involved, where up to 140 facades will be painted in 5 Magic Towns, with an investment of 6 million pesos, here Federation and State will contribute 3 million pesos each

The third agreement was for the Coordination:
- In matters of verification of tourism service providers, where the reactivation of the Tesoros de Mexico Quality Program stands out, the program promotes excellence in hotels and restaurants with high standards of service, and architectural and gastronomic characteristics that reflect and promote the richness of Mexican culture