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Libia Dennise heads the start of the Cup Contigo Si

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Libia Dennise heads the start of the Cup Contigo Si

More than 900 teams attended the call that reunited 20 thousand girls, boys and young people The Leon, Irapuato and Celaya clubs will carry out sc

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More than 900 teams attended the call that reunited 20 thousand girls, boys and young people

The Leon, Irapuato and Celaya clubs will carry out scouts during the tournament

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Leon/Gto News

With the attendance of 20,000 people, the third edition of the GTO Contigo Si Cup kicked off from the Leon Stadium, an event headed by the Secretary of Social and Human Development -SEDESHU-, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo. 

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“Thank you for believing in this cup, thanks to the sports clubs that have supported us so much. In Guanajuato we support sports, in Guanajuato we believe in our youth, we believe in our children and we support the teams, that’s why we are very happy to start this Cup GTO Contigo Si. In Guanajuato we want our girls and boys to practice sports,” said the head of SEDESHU.

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As part of this great sports festival, the representatives of the 60 GTO Contigo Si Centers who answered the call paraded through the premises of the stadium, where 40 municipalities will participate with a total of 908 teams and more than 20,000 girls, boys and young guanajuatenses.

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The Undersecretary of Operation for Human Development, Aldo Ivan Marquez, thanked the sports clubs of Leon, Celaya and Irapuato for joining this project promoted by the State Government through the Secretary of Social and Human Development, for which he also recognized the support and accompaniment of Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

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“In Guanajuato, youth and sports are supported. I wish them much success, play well, play fairly and may the best win. Guanajuato Contigo Si, Guanajuato Contigo Siempre”, said Marquez.

The Secretary Libia Dennise took the oath from to the players to commit themselves to a healthy competition based on mutual respect.

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“We have to bet on sport as a way to generate healthy habits, to change our society. Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. In Guanajuato, the most important thing we have is our families and that is why we want to continue working,” said the Secretary.

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Libia Dennise urged the participants to give their best, since during the competition there will be scouts by the professional soccer clubs that joined this call, reminding them that “dreams come true.” 

Then the Secretary gave way to the official inauguration of the GTO Cup Contigo Si 2023 with the kickoff.

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