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Libia delivers economic support ‘We Believe in You’

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Libia delivers economic support ‘We Believe in You’

It is a program of the Financing and Support Agency “Tu Puedes Guanajuato”, created to offer inclusive and effective solutions to Guanajuatenses, esp

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It is a program of the Financing and Support Agency “Tu Puedes Guanajuato”, created to offer inclusive and effective solutions to Guanajuatenses, especially those who have limited access to traditional financing

This non-refundable support is provided once only, and you can access the financing programs offered by the Financial Institution

San Francisco del Rincon/Gto News

“With the delivery of this support, I am sure that we will make that little money grow, we will make your business grow and with that, we will make our families in Guanajuato live better,” said Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, during the delivery of delivery of support of the Creemos en Ti program, part  of the Financing and support “Tú Puede Guanajuato”.

We Believe in You is a one-time financial support of 7 thousand pesos, aimed at entrepreneurs, women from 18 to 64 years old and young people from 18 to 30 years old, who live in vulnerable areas of Guanajuato, whether urban, suburban or rural areas.

The first 339 “non-refundable” grants were delivered in the main square of San Francisco del Rincón, corresponding to the first regional call.

“In this Government of the People, we believe in you, we know that your work is the most valuable thing we have, that is why today, with this Financial Institution, I want to reiterate to you that we will continue to find mechanisms to reach every corner of Guanajuato, to the families that need it most,” said the Governor of the People.

“Because in Guanajuato we are hard-working people, we are people who make an effort and I believe in people who work, I believe in women who support their families, I believe in young entrepreneurs who decide to get ahead, in the people of the farmlands, in our business women and men,” said the Governor.

There will be 9 more deliveries during the current year. The total amount of support delivered amounts to 2 million 373 thousand pesos and this year it is expected that 3,500 people will benefit from these non-reimbursable economic supports; the goal is to benefit 21 thousand people by the end of the current six-year term.

The second regional call will be for the municipalities of Romita, Silao and Guanajuato, and registration will be open in the coming days at: 

Accessing support is simple:

  • First, interested parties must go to the web page and review the current call to ensure that the municipality from which support is sought is included
  • Next, you must register and participate in an initial workshop for entrepreneurs
  • By attending the workshop, you will receive a pass to submit your application with the required documentation
  • Once the documents are submitted, the financial institution will review the file and notify you for the delivery of the support

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