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Let’s move, calls Ale Gutierrez

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Let’s move, calls Ale Gutierrez

Mayor of Leon, Alejandra Gutierrez Campos, shared on Monday on her social networks photos of her exercise routine. “To finish a day filled wit

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Mayor of Leon, Alejandra Gutierrez Campos, shared on Monday on her social networks photos of her exercise routine.

Ale Gutierrez Fitness Mayor Leon 2

“To finish a day filled with activities, nothing is better than doing exercise at the State Sports Complex; its gymnasium is very complete and no doubt about it, it is one of my favorite places when I must let the steam out, enjoy it and remember that on Sundays with the green pass, entrance is free!”, invited the Mayor.

Ale Gutierrez Fitness Mayor Leon 3

Ale Gutierrez insists in calling Leoneses to do some physical activities and to lure them, her administration opened at no cost public premises in the City for some days a week.

Ale Gutierrez Fitness Mayor Leon 4

Physical activity, said the Mayor, keeps young people away from harmful activities and keeps them healthy.

Leon/Gto News

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