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Less teenagers get pregnant in Guanajuato

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Less teenagers get pregnant in Guanajuato

SSS reports the reduction in the fertility rate in those under 19 years of age Para leer en Español da click en el link al final de la nota:

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SSS reports the reduction in the fertility rate in those under 19 years of age

Para leer en Español da click en el link al final de la nota:

Guanajuato/Gto News

Guanajuato registers a decrease in pregnancies in children under 19 years of age.

In 2010 in Guanajuato:

  • 21,713 cases of pregnancies in minors between 15 and 19 years old
  • 701 cases of pregnancies in minors between 10 and 14 years old

In 2023 in Guanajuato:

  • 12,202 cases of pregnancies in minors between 15 and 19 years old
  • 362 cases in minors between 10 and 14 years old

Pablo Sánchez Gastelum, General Director of Prevention and Health Promotion announced that in terms of sexual and reproductive health in adolescents Guanajuato is advancing and strengthening actions to reduce the number of teenage pregnancy, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as the information of sexual and reproductive rights.

“In Guanajuato more than one million 100 thousand are adolescents from 10 to 19 years, which represents 17 percent of the total population, which is why it is important to intensify actions in this matter”, said Sanchez Gastelum.

Against the dynamic that flows among adolescents of feeling immortal, immune and infertile is the importance of strengthening preventive measures to avoid infections such as HIV/AIDS.

Sanchez Gastelum said that Guanajuato previously had a teenage fertility rate above the national average; this rate has been decreasing thanks to the actions implemented by Guanajuato State Health System.

Soledad Leyva Reynoso, Head of Health Promotion, reported that all medical units offer a wide range of contraceptive methods and invited the adolescents to go to the medical units for appropriate orientation.

Leyva reported that there are 82 Friendly Services in the 46 municipalities with nearly 2,000 young volunteers who receive preventive information and who work on the design of public policies that respond to their needs.

In addition, there is a range of more than 15 key contraceptive methods available in Health Centers and there is a mobile unit that serves the needs of adolescents right in their home.

Currently, the Gto Health System focuses on a Ranking of priority municipalities to address pregnancy in adolescents and they are:

Silao, Romita, Villagran, Penjamo, Santa Catarina, San Francisco del Rincon, Jaral del Progreso, Cortazar, Comonfort and Tierra Blanca, Tarandacuao, Atarjea, Juventino Rosas, Abasolo and Yuriria.