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Leon Fair gets a lift

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Leon Fair gets a lift

A great investment is being done to consolidate the premises of the Fair of Leon as a tourist attraction in Guanajuato The Leon Fair will offer a

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A great investment is being done to consolidate the premises of the Fair of Leon as a tourist attraction in Guanajuato

Leon Fair Lift 5
The Leon Fair will offer a new face to visitors in the next events

More public construction is being done in Guanajuato to generate jobs and well being for Guanajuatenses and beat the Covid 19 pandemic crisis

Leon/Gto News

The Governor of the State of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, supervised the construction in the area of the Leon State Fair where more than 230 million pesos are invested.


All were present

The Governor was with the leaders of the boards of administration of the Fair, Explora and the Poliforum as he took a look at the activity in this Project that includes a new food court and the main plaza of the State Fair.

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Hundred of millions of pesos are being invested in the place

“With the administrators of the Fair, Explora and Poliforum we are supervising the place which we trust will become a tourist attraction of Guanajuato”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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Well being for Guanajuatenses

In Guanajuato public construction keeps going and it generates jobs and well being for Guanajuatenses, said Rodriguez.

The Governor insisted that the crisis of the Covid 19 pandemic has not stopped construction of public works in Guanajuato; activity continues and they will be promoted for the benefit of Guanajuatenses.

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Authorities went around the new fair premises being built
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