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Leon and United Kingdom in collaboration

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Leon and United Kingdom in collaboration

As a result of the actions of the City’s Government to strengthen better practices in mobility and public space, Leon was chosen to get technical ass

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As a result of the actions of the City’s Government to strengthen better practices in mobility and public space, Leon was chosen to get technical assistance by the consulting company –bikeNcity-in the second edition of the Project RE-ACTIVA.MX, for City and State Governments in Mexico.

Cycling Paths Leon Guanajuato 3

The general Director of the Municipal Institute of Planning –IMPLAN- Rafael Perez Fernandez said that the participation of Leon occurred as a result to the call by bikeNcity which, coordinated with the Government of the United Kingdom through the program Mexico-UK PACT (Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions) launched the invitation to get the assistance.

Cycling Paths Leon Guanajuato 4

“It is the answer to our commitment to increase and improve the City’s network of cycling-paths and we will work in this Project with the general directions of Government, Public Works, Mobility and IMPLAN where we see mobility as an element of green infrastructure that connects and strengthens the System of Urban Parks”, said Perez Fernandez.

Cycling Paths Leon Guanajuato 5

This action impacts directly in the commitments of the Program of Government 2021-2024 of the City’s Administration, in exploring alternatives to reach the goal of building more than 300 kilometers of cycling-paths in the city, and increase the culture of active mobility in Leoneses.

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