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Labor Links bring a job to more than 3 thousand

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Labor Links bring a job to more than 3 thousand

Recruitment and selection processes are facilitated through the Secretary of Economic Development The State Government has held 18 events of this

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Recruitment and selection processes are facilitated through the Secretary of Economic Development

The State Government has held 18 events of this type in 2023

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Irapuato/Gto News

In 2023, more than 3,400 people have been placed through the 18 Labor Links that have been held in:

  • Celaya, Irapuato, Guanajuato, Leon, Salamanca , San Miguel de Allende, Purisima del Rincon, San Jose Iturbide, Valle de Santiago and Villagran
Feria Purísima Octubre

he economic policy of the State Government headed by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, has the purpose of facilitating the labor arrival of job seekers with strategies that bring companies together in one place to carry out their recruitment processes and selection.

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Ramon Alfaro Gomez, head of the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, said that with this event they bring job opportunities to Guanajuatenses through personalized interviews by representatives of the participating companies.

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Alfaro Gomez added that this type of event brings advantages to companies in their hiring processes by bringing together in one place all the resources to carry out a first approach to hiring Guanajuatense talent.

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The labor links are a link to detect the needs that companies require in their personnel, so that through training and certification efforts the relevance of technical skills is reinforced.

The commitment of the Government of Guanajuato is to create the conditions for private initiative to generate and preserve jobs that improve the quality of life of Guanajuato residents.

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