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La Judea meets expectations of 150 Years

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La Judea meets expectations of 150 Years

The representation attracts 63,800 visitors, social networks reach 46,501 connections. Judas is still a central character in the representation Da

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The representation attracts 63,800 visitors, social networks reach 46,501 connections. Judas is still a central character in the representation

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

At 4:44 in the afternoon of the Holy Friday, the Judas was kicking in the gallows, two minutes later, he kicked for the last time, the heavens were cloudy at that moment for some seconds as La Judea came to its end in its 150 Years representation that this year gathered 63,800 spectators in the 3 days of activity.


All expectations were accomplished in a  tradition “Made to Transcend”, the overflowed excitement of soldiers, ‘jews’, pharisees and other participants of the 150 Year Anniversary of La Judea, the energy caused was such, that among the local and international visitors there were 45,200 people witnessing the celebration on Holy Friday and following and crying as the representation unrolled in the Sentencing, Via Crucis, the Three Falling, the hunt of the Black Judas and his hanging.

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These spectators plus the ones on Wednesday and Thursday add up to a total of 63,800 people in the representation of La Judea.

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Purisimenses coming from abroad came willing to spend one thousand dollars a piece in families of 4 people in average. There were spectators on wheelchairs, some with their oxygen tanks.

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Even though kids were not programmed to participate but until Easter Week, they came by the thousands in the Plaza waiting for the group of adult characters.

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A coincidence and a reality, when Judas was hanged, the sky was full of clouds, and people kept filling not just the Plaza, but the streets next to it where even though they couldn’t watch the characters, they stayed there chanting and asking for Judas to be taken to the gallows.

With their cellphones in hand, their children on their shoulders, all was in a perfect balance to leave behind a mark on the 150 Anniversary of La Judea.

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Roberto Garcia Urbano, the Mayor of Purisima, thanked for the energy of participants, from the ones that do the main characters, to those who admire, observe and yell, because that is the essence of this representation.

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Yes it is Holy Friday but people find the colorful and happy part in La Judea in the Black Judas, the devils doing their stuff with their whip, and those who don’t get tired of running wearing only guaraches.

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For all of them and for those who took part in the morning in the Sentencing there was a special reward as they were all given a symbolic commemorative coin that has the seal of the 150 years of La Judea.

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