Citizens of Purisima participate in the elaboration of replicas of masks of La Judea 14 Purisimenses participate representing generations in the p
Citizens of Purisima participate in the elaboration of replicas of masks of La Judea
14 Purisimenses participate representing generations in the promotion of the cultural heritage
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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News
With 14 participants in the Mascaras de La Judea 2023 event, Purisima del Rincon, with the support of the State Culture Institute, reaffirms the survival of the cultural legacy and heritage in the hands of each generation to design masks of this tradition with the style provided by men and women.

Two mothers among the 14 participants, show that this event is not the legacy for men only, with the mothers there were some minors, who were defined by the Secretary of the City Council of Purisima del Rincon, Benjamin Rodriguez Cruz on behalf of Mayor Roberto Garcia Urbano, as Purisimenses with a tradition that is not only personal, but familiar, with a preference for La Judea from the craddle, and because the contest of mask elaboration strengthens the family ties, and which has been promoted by all the expressions in the 2021-2024 Administration.

This time 8 participants in the contest received a prize of 3 thousand pesos each, as well as a book of La Judea, for their personal library.

The most replicated masks were the ones of the minor devil and the major devil, the rancher and other were among the most replicated by contestants from the City and communities like Dolores and Canada de Negros.
These masks are exhibited from June 28th to July 15th in the Cultural Center and Expositions at La Casona.

Jose Javier Rodriguez Gonzalez, Coordinator of Popular Cultures of the Culture Institute of the State, representing Adriana Camarena De Obeso, made evident that the citizens of Purisima, represented by all the ones who have participated and will participate in this mask contest, have a cultural patrimony that as a cultural obligation must be transmitted to children and adults, just the way Hermenegildo Bustos did, as a natural process that as a patrimony must continue for reasons of identity and belonging.

The replicas of the masks of La Judea don’t have a price “they are spiritual pieces, they are eternal, they have time”.
The Coouncilman Juan Pablo Verdin Sanchez, thanked participants from the City and communities, because it is evident that they all have the identity of the cultural heritage.

In the opening event, in the presentation of awards to each participant and economic prize to the 8 finalists were Ramon Padilla Murillo, Director of Culture in the City; Marco Antonio Quezada Lozano, Coordinator of Operations of the Center of the Arts of Guanajuato.

More information:
- #PurísimaDelRincón
- #CercaDeTi
- #UnidosTrascendemos
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