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Youth in Purisima are well observed

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Youth in Purisima are well observed

The situation of youngsters and their relationship with their parents is revealed, as prevention is promoted Planet Youth Purisima del Rincon conc

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The situation of youngsters and their relationship with their parents is revealed, as prevention is promoted

Planet Youth Purisima del Rincon concludes Positive Parenting workshop

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

The Gto Health System, in coordination with the Planet Youth team, closed the activities of the Positive Parenting workshop in the Ejido de Dolores community, after eight sessions.

Clases master

The Planet Youth team provided information on the addiction prevention strategy to mothers, fathers, and caregivers in order to have a better future for girls, boys, and adolescents without addictions in their lives.

The Youth and Well-being 2023 survey is being held in the municipality.

Positive Parenting Purisima Guanajuato 3

The mothers and fathers of the family developed parental agreements to generate a better future and well-being for their daughters and sons, which consist of:

  • Ask how they did every day at school
  • Know what your daughter and son like
  • Do not make comparisons
  • Value and recognize their achievements
  • Maintain constant discipline
  • Do not give any addictive substance to minors
  • Promote family dialogue
  • Set time and limits for the use of screens
Positive Parenting Purisima Guanajuato 4

The municipality of Purísima del Rincon has a total population of 83,842 people, of which 24,874 of its population is under 18 years of age.

During 2021, a total of 1,027 young people in the third year of secondary school, from public and private schools, participated in the Youth and Well-being 2021 survey:

  • 466 men
  • 556 women
  • 5 did not define gender
  • 10.8% of those surveyed have gotten drunk at least once in their lives
  • 17.5% tried alcohol before the age of 13
Positive Parenting Purisima Guanajuato 5
  • 5.4% have consumed alcohol in their own home
  • 4.1% obtain it from a family member
  • 6.1% tried cigarrettes before the age of 13
  • 0.9% smoked daily. On the other hand
  • 3.3% have used marijuana at some point in their lives
  • The young people report, regarding the relationship with their father and mother that:
  • 7 out of 10 spend time with their daughters and sons on weekends
  • 6 out of 10 during the week
  • 72.2% of parents know where their sons and daughters are at night
  • 82.8% of students report that it is easy to receive affection from either of their parents

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