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Kids represent Guanajuato in Robotics in China

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Kids represent Guanajuato in Robotics in China

Q KIDS STEAM Robotics Academy will bring the Valley of Mindfacture to China Guanajuato/Gto News Children and young people from Guanajuato will

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Q KIDS STEAM Robotics Academy will bring the Valley of Mindfacture to China

Guanajuato/Gto News

Children and young people from Guanajuato will travel to China to represent Guanajuato in the World Robotics Competition. This is possible because Guanajuato has a solid ecosystem called Valley of Mindfacture that has allowed this type of initiatives find support and allow the State to position itself internationally.

STEAM Q-KIDS is an academy with training programs for children from 4 to 17 years old, whose main objective is to develop them in two very important areas: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) and soft skills, such as teamwork, stress management, communication and problem solving, through the construction and the use of robots for competitions. 

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The students of this academy have stood out in many robotics competitions, both national and international, achieving full podiums and breaking international records in their most recent participations.
On December 4, 2023, eight students from this academy will represent Guanajuato at the 2023 WUZHEN International Educational Robotics Festival ENJOY AI & WRCF Global Final event to be held on December 9 and 10 in China.

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ENJOY AI is a global robotics competition organized by the Global Youth Artificial Intelligence Federation. Its mission is to allow teenagers from all over the world to adapt, change and create the future of technology, so the participation of young people from Guanajuato in this competition is an example that the ecosystem of the Valley of Mindfacture is reaping fruits.
Participants sent their proposals and solutions virtually, last July; they did so well that they were accredited for the World Cup in China.

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For Dana Gonzalez Lopez, a Q–Kids STEAM student, this participation is very important, since one of her dreams is to win the competition, for all the time and dedication that has been invested in the development and programming of the robots. 

Edgar Gonzalez Yebra, Mentor and founder of STEAM Q-KIDS, says that this academy began working with Whalesbot robots 18 months ago, a Chinese brand that has a competition called “Enjoy AI” and in which they will be participating; here tracks are managed with some stations so that the robot goes to these to perform some tasks. 

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In the case of children and young people who are going to compete, they will participate in the “Summer Sports ” category, where there are several athletes on the track trying to do their sports tests and the robot arrives and supports them, all these actions will be designed and programmed by the STEAM Q-KIDS team, working to win the competition.

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Two more academies from Guanajuato also participate in the competition, one of them from León and the other from Valle de Santiago.
The participation of STEAM Q–KIDS in this international competition is a source of pride and a clear example that the Mindfacture environment in which Guanajuato residents develop is suitable for developing their ideas, abilities and skills that will lead them to transcend, thanks to innovation, science and technology.