The Intitution brings to young Guanajuatenses a better perspective of school and labor life JuventudEsGto presented the Forum Transforming in San
The Intitution brings to young Guanajuatenses a better perspective of school and labor life
JuventudEsGto presented the Forum Transforming in San Diego de la Union
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San Diego de la Union/Gto News
As part of the strategy Planet Youth, JuventudEsGto participated in the Foro Transforming in San Diego de La Unión to present experiences, advice and important information on prevention and attention to addictions.

Healthy lifestyle
With two conferences with the topics “It is posible to prevent” and “Decide to be successful”, the Institute promoted in young people in this Municipality healthy lifestyles and leadership that helps them go ahead in a successful manner in their life project.

The young generation
Maximo Gustavo Garcia Bravo, director of Education Credit of JuventudEsGto; representing Antonio Navarro, the General Director of the Institute, said that for the Government of Guanajuato it is very important to take care of topics like addictions in children, adolescents and young people.

A positive impact
“It is here that one of the most important programs of this Administration comes into action: Planet Youth, with it we are working to avoid young Guanajuatenses to be in risk of drug use. JuventudEsGto wants to cause a positive impact and with it generate a transformation in everybody’s life, generate the recomposition of the social network, something we all want so much”, said Garcia Bravo.

Work inclusion
The director said that young Guanajuatenses also need to be prepared and find good jobs that help them reinforce their Project of life and, said Garcia Bravo, “we are working in programs of work inclusion for young Guanajuatenses”.

Abilities for all
Our goal is that all young Guanajuatenses who are looking for a job or for a better work opportunity can acquire the competencies and abilities that are well appreciated in the regional labor market.
Garcia Bravo thanked San Diego de la Union for the Invitation to the event by Attention to Youngsters in a forum that made it posible to bring closer prevention and development to young Guanajuatenses in the North Central region of Guanajuato.
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