Labor Connections facilitate the recruitment and selection processes for Guanajuatenses More than 50 companies participate with 708 vacancies I
Labor Connections facilitate the recruitment and selection processes for Guanajuatenses
More than 50 companies participate with 708 vacancies
Irapuato/Gto News
With the participation of more than 50 companies that offered 708 vacancies, the 2nd Labor Link 2024 in Irapuato was held.

The administration of State Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, promotes the generation and preservation of jobs by providing an efficient and accessible platform for citizens to find new job opportunities.

The head of the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development -SDES-, Ramon Alfaro Gomez said that these events bring together talent of different education levels and specialization and urged attendees to continue with their training to facilitate their job placement.
“There is a great task that we have in both areas in education and in the productive sector, something that is very important to keep in mind is that not everything is going to be learned in school, that is a training process for the productive sector, but values are learned at home, and that is what companies are looking for,” said Alfaro.

Alfaro said that companies, beyond technical capabilities and hard skills, seek values such as respect, punctuality, leadership, teamwork, conflict resolution, as well as learning to collaborate between different generations of disciplinary teams.
By bringing together a wide variety of companies in one place, Job Links allows people to participate in multiple interviews in a single day, significantly increasing their chances of being placed in a job.

Among the participating companies are:
- Kromberg & Schubert, Industrias MYR, ZKW, Denso, Nivea, Pirelli, Topura, Lala, Walmart de Mexico, Mazda, Pepsi Co., Nishikawa, Ryobi, Würth Elektronik, Continental, Procter & Gamble, etc

These companies offered vacancies for profiles such as:
- Production operators and technicians, forklift drivers, drivers, maintenance technicians, security, among other
The benefit for companies is that having direct interaction with candidates allows for a faster and more accurate evaluation, optimizing the time and resources allocated to personnel selection.