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Jalpa de Canovas is nominated to WTO emblem

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Jalpa de Canovas is nominated to WTO emblem

In Purisima del Rincon all are working to earn the emblem “Best Tourism Villages” of the international organism There are 8 positions for Mexico,

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In Purisima del Rincon all are working to earn the emblem “Best Tourism Villages” of the international organism

There are 8 positions for Mexico, and Jalpa may win one of them

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

The Magic Town of Jalpa de Canovas in Purisima del Rincon, Guanajuato, went a step ahead in the national process of the initiative of “Best Tourism Villages” of the World Tourism Organization -WTO-, this means that Jalpa is competing for an international prize.


Mexico has the possibility to run for one of 8 positions for Magic Towns and from Guanajuato, two towns are in the contest, Jalpa de Canovas and Mineral de Pozos; now Purisima del Rincon, received the news abot the official presentation for the contest and the international team of voters will decide the positions in September.

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Right now Purisima del Rincon with the Magic Town of Jalpa de Canovas is present with one of the 8 positions for Mexico and representing Guanajuato.

Responding to the call by the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico to run for this International Emblem, the Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, and the Municipality of Purisima del Rincon work together in this project.

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The WTO recognizes the noted examples of rural tourism destinations with cultural and natural assets that preserve and promote rural and communitary values, products and life styles and that have a clear  bet for innovation and sustainability in all its areas.

Clases master

In order to earn the emblem, Jalpa de Canovas –named a Magic Town on November 12 2012- put up the archive with information that includes topics like sustainability, infrastructure and connectivity, promotion and conservation of the cultural and natural patrimony, tourist development, innovation and integration of the chain of value, health and security, government and prioritizing of tourism.

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One of the components of this initiative is the Network ‘Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO’ that offers an environment for exchanging experiences, good practices and opportunities, where representatives of the more than 70 towns from almost 40 countries recognized as ‘Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO’ are included.

Also participating are representatives of 40 towns selected to participate in the program of updating, the towns are benefitted by the contributions of experts and associates of the private and public sectors committed in promoting tourism for the rural development.

The Network contributes to the work of the WTO in identifying the good practices, the creation of directions and recommendations of policies, as well as ideas and knowledge.

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Jalpa de Canovas will be evaluated by an independent International Advisors Council formed by experts in different areas (conservation of cultural and natural resources, sustainability, creation of tourist products, marketing, value chain); the winning Magic Towns will be announced by the end of 2023.

The Direction of Projects Development of SECTUR will work closely in the process with Jalpa de Canovas Pueblo Magico to strengthen the creation of initiatives that improve the tourism competitiveness.

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