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Research is fostered in Guanajuato

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Research is fostered in Guanajuato

The State, Municipality and UNAM invest 40 million pesos in the first stage of the construction of the education complex Guanajuato is going after

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The State, Municipality and UNAM invest 40 million pesos in the first stage of the construction of the education complex

UNAM Guanajuato Investigation 5
Guanajuato is going after knowledge, innovation, science and technology

San Miguel de Allende starts a new era in education as UNAM arrives with a new campus

San Miguel de Allende/Gto News

As the cornerstone was laid to start the construction of the first stage of the UNAM Campus San Miguel de Allende, the Governor of Guanajuat Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo said that this is good news for Mexico.


Joining efforts

“As we see that in Mexico there are less resources for science, techonolgy and research, In Guanajuato we are uniting forces with the best university in Latin America; we are honored that Guanajuato is the new site for this University”, said the Governor.

With this educative complex, said the Governor, UNAM is integrated to the economic and social dynamics of a State that exports more than 25 thousand million dollars a year, The State is the sixth economy of Mexico, it is the most dynamic automotive cluster in Latina America with 7 assembly plants.

UNAM Guanajuato Investigation 2
The Governor and the dean of UNAM

A stronger education

“Today we take Guanajuato to the next level and we have risen the bet, we want to go from manufacture to mindfacture, we want to go from assembling cars to design cars, design engines, design software, we want to go to the area of knowledge and this goes through strengthening our education institutions”, said the Governor.

“Guanajuato is the epicenter of the Industrial Transformation 4.0”, said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo said that like many sectors of the Mexican society, Guanajuato responds to the call for national unity, to promote the necessary actions to build a better country.

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A moment for unity

“This is the moment for national unity, we who are the heads of executive power, from Majors, Governors and the President of Mexico, should be a factor of union, not of division”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

“Today, when we face risks with the elimination of trusteeships, Guanajuato walked a step ahead and announced a starting Fund of 100 million pesos to support investigation in Guanajuato, because if we want to go to the knowledge area we must invest resources”, said the Governor.

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It is all enthusiasm with the new UNAM campus in San Miguel de Allende

Formidable growth

The dean of Universidad Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Enrique Graue Wiechers, noted that the newest campus of UNAM is being built in Guanajuato, a State that has an economic growth that is above the national average and it bets on education.

“We live in a budgetary uncertainty for superior education and we are deeply afflicted by the decisions taken on the financing of investigation, these are very difficult times for investigation”, said Graue Wiechers.

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Light of hope

“Laying the cornerstone of the new UNAM campus is a light of hope in the future of Mexico and I believe that this is a great example, that we must join efforts in the national project, without divisions, without polarization and that united we can have a country with better opportunities for equality and social justice”, said Graue Wiechers.