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International Summit 3.0 is launched

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International Summit 3.0 is launched

Students and teachers participate in the International Electric Vehicles event GTO2023 The event is part of the activities of the Hannover Messe 2

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Students and teachers participate in the International Electric Vehicles event GTO2023

The event is part of the activities of the Hannover Messe 2023 Fair

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Leon/Gto News

With the participation of students, teachers and education researchers, the third edition of the International Electric Vehicle Summit 3.0 began in this city, organized by the Guanajuato Secretary of Education, in coordination with COEPES and CEPEMS.


The inaugural event, held at the Explora Science Center, was chaired by Aldelmo Reyes Pablo, Undersecretary of Higher and Secondary Education of the SEG, representing the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato, Jorge Enrique Hernandez Meza.

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Aldelmo Reyes Pablo, said that the support of educational institutions shows “that they have great talent and today they know that the way to build the best educational system in Mexico is with capacity, innovation and creativity”.

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Nicolas Gutierrez Ortega, president of the State Commission for Planning and Programming of Higher Secondary Education, CEPPEMS and director of CONALEP, invited the participants to believe in their abilities and wished them success and that “everyone wins”.

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Martha Aguilar Trejo, president of the State Commission for Higher Education Planning, COEPES and Rector of the University of Celaya, in her message addressed to students and teachers, recognized that they are all winners “you are already winners just for being in this event.”

Antonio Navarrete, beneficiary of the Electromobility program, recognized the efforts of the institutions involved to support the training development of students, teachers of Guanajuato.

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The activities of the International Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Summit V 3.0, towards Sustainable Mobility, are held as part of the Hannover Messe to contribute to the formation of highly competitive human capital that has technical knowledge, experience of good international practices and the motivation to design the sustainable mobility that Guanajuato, Mexico and the World needs.

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