The Agreeement of Collaboration for the Tourist Sector through Innovation and Entrepreneurship will be in force from March 2021 through September 202
The Agreeement of Collaboration for the Tourist Sector through Innovation and Entrepreneurship will be in force from March 2021 through September 2024

Sectur and IDEA Gto are working to increase the satisfaction in the experiences of visitors to Guanajuato
Dolores Hidalgo/Gto News
Sectur, the Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato and the Institute for Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship for Competitiveness signed the “Agreeement of Collaboration for the Tourist Sector through Innovation and Entrepreneurship” in the Museum of Wine of Guanjuato in Dolores Hidalgo.

A program of more than four years
The agreement will be applied from March 1st 2021 through September 25th 2024 and will allow for the coordination of activities in the creation of events and experiences of teaching-learning, mainly in the development of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative abilities, that will mean a great impact for society and related groups.
Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel, the Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato and Juan Antonio Reus Montaño, general Director of IDEA Gto, signed the agreement that will lead to a close relationship with society on the new global trends that might cause an effect or be an opportunity of the development of tourist products, that will strengthen and potentialize the identity of the tourist destinations of Guanajuato.

A distinction for Guanajuato
With this agreement, “Guanajuato advances firmly and it will lead for this vision to earn Guanajuato a distinction of a quality service and a diversity in the offer of Guanajuato. The State and the private sector are showing an evolution and strengthening tourism; an important pillar in the economic development of the State”, said Alvarez Brunel.

“This year we will experience an evolutionary jump to reconnect with those whom we love. Let’s keep designing the businesses with the eyes of a customer, let’s put he user in the center and let’s use technology to bring it closer to the experiences they wish. Guanajuato has always been on its feet”, said Reus Montaño.

Satisfaction for visitors
Mauricio Usabiaga Diaz Barriga, Secretary of Economic Sustainable Development and Miguel Angel Rayas Ortiz, Mayor of Dolores Hidalgo, witnessed the signing of the agreement and said they trust that it will increase the satisfaction in the experiences of the visitors in Guanajuato.
“The Tourism sector has a great competitive and ecological advantage, and through the signing of this agreement there will be more jobs and support to entrepreneurs promoting the integration of the local economy”, said Diaz Barriga.