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INGUDIS talks to Migrant Leaders

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INGUDIS talks to Migrant Leaders

Jose Grimaldo reports on services and institutional actions, as he dialogues with representatives of Guanajuatenses in USA Da click en el link al

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Jose Grimaldo reports on services and institutional actions, as he dialogues with representatives of Guanajuatenses in USA

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Los Angeles/Gto News

In order to inform Guanajuato migrants about services and actions of the Guanajuato government for people with disabilities, INGUDIS participates in the Meeting of Leaders of that community.

At the Institutional Services Fair, the Director of the Guanajuato Institute for People with Disabilities, Jose Grimaldo Colmenero, presented the programs that are carried out to benefit those who live in this condition.


“First of all, we were talking with representatives of our migrants from whom we heard stories and situations about the attributions that this unit has, such as promoting the development and social inclusion of the sector for which we work”, said Grimaldo who participated in these activities, providing direct guidance to the attendees.

Grimaldo Colmenero gave a talk to the participants in the Migrant Leaders Meeting on Social Leadership and its Community Impact, with the purpose of developing their work with an inclusion perspective, regardless of the person’s condition.

INGUDIS Mihgrant Leaders Guanajuato Los Angeles 3

The INGUDIS programs and actions such as those related to the Physical Rehabilitation Center, the Visual Rehabilitation Center, as well as the Psychosocial Disability Center, in addition to programs such as Labor Inclusion, Accessibility and registration, were exposed.

In these works, Grimaldo Colmenero accompanied Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo and the head of SEDESHU Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo.

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“I am very proud to tell you that Guanajuato is the example State and a national benchmark in terms of inclusion for people with disabilities,” said Grimaldo.

The head of INGUDIS explained those attending this meeting of migrant leaders the work with municipalities and civil society to promote inclusion and accessible spaces for people with disabilities.

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