In some municipalities of Guanajuato, temperatures as low as 1 degree Celsius have been registered During the winter period, respiratory diseases
In some municipalities of Guanajuato, temperatures as low as 1 degree Celsius have been registered
During the winter period, respiratory diseases increase, especially in children and older adults
Guanajuato/Gto News
To avoid incidents or respiratory illnesses due to the low temperatures recorded in recent hours in Guanajuato, the State Civil Protection Coordination issues a series of recommendations to implement during these days.

According to the National Meteorological System -SMN-, this weekend minimum temperatures of:
- 1 to 3 degrees Celsius have been recorded
- In Cortazar, Santiago Maravatio, Xichu, Valle de Santiago, San Francisco del Rincon, San Felipe, Santa Catarina, Salamanca, Pueblo Nuevo, Moroleon, Coroneo, Manuel Doblado, Celaya and Acambaro

Minimum temperatures of:
- In municipalities such as Abasolo, Comonfort, Irapuato and San Luis de la Paz
- Between 4 and 6 degrees Celsius have also been recorded
Authorities recommend Guanajuatenses to wear at least three layers of clothing and closed shoes, as well as to protect and moisturize the skin against the cold.
Also avoid exposure to sudden changes in temperature, drink plenty of water, eat fruits and vegetables, and avoid smoking indoors or near minors, the elderly, or sick people.

If heaters and/or fireplaces are used, people are asked to maintain adequate ventilation to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. In addition, before going to sleep or going out from home, make sure appliances should be turned off.
If you are doing outdoor activities, it is recommended to wear a scarf and wash your hands frequently or use alcohol gel. Minors, older adults and people with chronic illnesses should be kept properly covered and avoid exposing them to sudden changes in temperature.

Finally, it is recommended to stay informed through the official social networks of:
- State Coordination of Civil Protection
- (@PC_GTO)
- Secretary of Security and Peace
- (@pazgobgente)
- In case of emergency dial 911
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