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In Tierra Blanca ‘We are here to serve’

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In Tierra Blanca ‘We are here to serve’

Governor delivers hydraulic and road works in Tierra Blanca It is about coming, listening and coming back for the people: Governor Da click en

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Governor delivers hydraulic and road works in Tierra Blanca

It is about coming, listening and coming back for the people: Governor

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Tierra Blanca/Gto News

On a work tour, the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, started and delivered hydraulic and road works for the benefit of the inhabitants of this municipality in the northeast of Guanajuato.


“You are not alone, you have the Governor of Guanajuato and I tell you that problems are not seen on a desk, you have to visit the communities; we want politicians who are here, in the field, and not at a desk”, said the Governor.

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In the El Sauz community, the Governor delivered the new drinking water system where a general investment of more than 6.1 million pesos was made, which consisted of rehabilitation work on the water system with a conduction line and a home distribution network where more than 4.5 million pesos were invested; and for the equipment of the well, more than 1.5 million pesos were invested for the benefit of 587 inhabitants of this community.

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The State Governor handed over the second stage of the road from the Apartadero community to El Cajon.

This work was done through the ‘Connecting My Rural Path Program’ implemented by the Ministry of Agro-Food and Rural Development (SDAyR) to improve the quality of life of rural inhabitants.

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To achieve the rehabilitation of this road, a joint investment was made, between the State and the Municipality, of more than 12.3 million pesos, of which the State government contributed more than 8.6 million; while the Municipality invested more than 3.7 million pesos.

In the Cuesta de Penones community, drilling work began on a deep potable water well.

In this community, 1,700 people live, who lack the vital liquid because the current extraction is only two liters per second.

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“We are going to bet on water because we want to bet on our families. If there is no water, there is no life; water is very necessary and more so in these northeastern lands”, said the Governor.

The Mayor of Tierra Blanca, Romulo Garcia Cabrera, thanked the Governor for his support for this municipality and said that the State and Municipality will continue to team up for the well-being of citizens.

“Governor, without a doubt you bet on this area where the people are very hard-working. Your decisions towards us do not fail and with the support of the State Government we invest for our people”, said the Mayor.

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