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‘In Guanajuato we work to have a more inclusive society’

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‘In Guanajuato we work to have a more inclusive society’

State Government and the OAS sign agreement to generate strategies in favor of the human rights of people with disabilities Guanajuato/Gto News

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State Government and the OAS sign agreement to generate strategies in favor of the human rights of people with disabilities

Guanajuato/Gto News

During the commemoration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Government of Guanajuato and the OAS signed an agreement to work together for the benefit of people with disabilities.

“Today we are taking another step in Guanajuato, in favor of the human rights of people with disabilities. We do it with the valuable support of international organizations such as the Organization of American States, the OAS, and the Working Group for the Analysis of National Reports of the San Salvador Protocol”, said the Governor.

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Rodriguez Vallejo added that the signing of the Joint Declaration between the State Government and this Working Group reaffirms the commitment to together generate better tools for people with disabilities.

“As a Government, we want to carry out all the actions that are necessary, hand in hand with experts, to generate innovative models of social inclusion. And in this effort, we go hand in hand with international organizations, but we also require the support of society,” said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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The Governor noted that important progress has been made in Guanajuato, and “we want to move forward with new goals and purposes to improve social inclusion. We want that in our state, no one is left behind, because here we recognize the value of the person, without distinctions or prejudices. For this, we have the Guanajuatense Institute for People with Disabilities, which has done great work in terms of inclusion,” said the Governor.

The Governor recognized José Grimaldo Colmenero, director of INGUDIS and the entire work team that makes up this agency.

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“I am sure that, with the support of the OAS and the commitment of civil society, we will increasingly narrow the gaps that people with disabilities face in the enjoyment of their Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights”, said the Governor.

Rodríguez Vallejo pointed out that we must continue working hard with international organizations, to replicate the best practices of other countries and assume the corresponding protocols.

“Strengthen the alliance with civil society organizations that do great work in matters of human rights and social inclusion. Disability is often in the way society acts, and we can change that. We can evolve to a more inclusive society with more respect for human rights,” said the Governor.

Rodríguez Vallejo thanked Betilde Muñoz, director of the Department of Social Inclusion of the OAS, for the support in the signing of this declaration.

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“In Guanajuato we are a humanist government, which has the person as the center, origin and destination of our work. And that means that our greatest purpose is for people to grow and develop, and for people with disabilities to live in an environment that includes them and that they can achieve their goals,” the Governor said.

The agreement between the OAS and the State Government, during the San Salvador Protocol Human Rights Congress, has the purpose of working together for the well-being of people with disabilities.

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The goal is to develop a “Practical guide for the operationalization of the indicators of the San Salvador Protocol from a transversal perspective on people with disabilities.”

This will guide the States Parties to the San Salvador Protocol, the Member States of the OAS, as well as civil organizations, academic institutions, the private sector and interested individuals, on how to improve data collection to identify the gaps they face to fully enjoy their Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights, in order to contribute to the improvement of policies, programs and initiatives that governments adopt.