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IECA inaugurates Advanced Manufacturing Center


IECA inaugurates Advanced Manufacturing Center

It will serve the business and industrial sectors and university students The center will train highly qualified personnel in the use of technolog

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It will serve the business and industrial sectors and university students

The center will train highly qualified personnel in the use of technology

Irapuato/Gto News

In order to bring technology to young students, companies, industry and workers, the General Director of the State Training Institute, Juan Carlos Lopez Rodriguez, opened the Advanced Manufacturing Center –CAMAN- that will provide knowledge and skills to manufacture products more quickly, accurately and at a lower cost.

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Located within the premises of the IECA Irapuato Campus, CAMAN will offer training services to the food, agricultural, automotive, education, business, industrial and aeronautical sectors.

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Lopez Rodriguez said that manufacturing currently occupies an important place when applied in many processes such as the manufacture of geometrically complex parts, molds, dies, prototypes and machines that require a large production or dimensional accuracy.

Such is the case of the automotive and aeronautical industry where this type of technology is applied, given its characteristics and the wide variety of its products that require the development of complex surfaces.

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The IECA director explained that CAMAN has a three- and five-axis Machining Center, three-axis Turning Centers, lathes, milling machines, Die Shop, Coordinate Measuring Machines, Computer Design Laboratory and software with linear and non-linear, as well as structural analysis.

Through this center and five others that are already operating in other IECA campuses, “we try to make short schemes that allow us to train engineers from universities so that they come out with complete capabilities and can develop proven competencies,” said Lopez Rodriguez.

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In this regard, Daniel Gonzalez Arroyo, Director of the IECA Irapuato Campus, noted that this center is a boost to manufacturing mainly for companies, since currently 30 weekly courses are designed aimed to the labor sector in this municipality, in order to provide training that meets your requirements.

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Gonzalez noted that a wide variety of training courses are taught at the Irapuato Campus, ranging from mixology, baking, blacksmithing, welding and even Yaskawa, hydraulic and pneumatic robot programming. In addition, training for aviation flight attendants was achieved and a driving school was created to learn to drive.