Both intitutions work to cover the specialized training needs of the industry The goal is to grant everyone access to technology Da click en el
Both intitutions work to cover the specialized training needs of the industry
The goal is to grant everyone access to technology
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Leon/Gto News
The State Training Institute –IECA- and the Cluster of Technologies of Guanajuato –Clutig- signed an agreement to create a joint agenda that includes a training program, to develop abilities and skills of personnel that is required by the State industrial sector, as well as to generate the needed infrastruture to increase competencies.

Specilized needs
The agreement signed by Selene Diez Reyes, the President of Clutig and Juan Carlos Lopez Rodriguez, General Director of IECA, will add effort and experience to fulfill the requirements of companies to have trained staff in technology, and cover, the needs of the industry in specialized areas.

Human talent
“We want to formalize with IECA a training program that help us achieve our goals, forming vocations in the short term and satisfying the demand in our industry, which needs more and more human talent”, said Diez Reyes.
Cutlig works with public and private companies and high schools and Universities to formalize and promote information technologies and software industry.

The General Director of IECA celebrated the signing of the agreement and said that they will be able to offer training programs that profesionalize the entrepreneurial and education sectors in different topics like the Industry 4.0 and Information and Communication Technologies –TIC-.

Thousands of technicians and engineers
Lopez Rodriguez said that as of now companies in Guanajuato need some 12 thousand technicians and engineers in TIC areas and other 4 thousand in hardware.
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