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IEC celebrates the art of women

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IEC celebrates the art of women

Guanajuatense creators are honored in March and many scenarios and cities present their works You can enjoy the artistic presentations, many of th

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Guanajuatense creators are honored in March and many scenarios and cities present their works

You can enjoy the artistic presentations, many of them with free entrance all over Guanajuato

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The importance of the International Women’s Day, to be observed this March 8th, is present all the month in different activities prepared by the State Institute of Culture –IEC- in painting, music, literature and on stage.

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Artists of all times

A dozen of these events of the IEC for March celebrates the artistic contribution of women of yesterday and today and the Guanajuatense talent, from the young members of the Regional Women Camerata ‘Vientos musicales’ to the well known poetess Margarita Paz Paredes, who will be remembered in the 100 hundred years of her birth.

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The most intense day is March 8th, with three events in different premises:

First is the conference “From dream to reality. Being a woman and a profesional” by the physiotherapist and profesor Paulina Villanueva at the State Central Library Wigberto Jimenez Moreno, in Leon.

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In Guanajuato City, the Cervantes Theater will receive the Leonesa actress Naryeli Guevara, who will present the uni-personal “Matrices. Voces de Uteros Contemporaneos”, a presentation inspired in the book by the same name by Lilia Martinez who presents a look from different angles to the condition of motherhood. This same presentation can be enjoyed in the Theater of the City in Purisima del Rincon on Friday March 11.


Women Camerata

March 8th is completed by the presentation of the first of three concerts by the Regional Women Camerata ‘Vientos musicales’, an assemble by 28 young women directed by Indra Ortiz and Tzitzi Sanabria who will present the program “From muses to creators”, with works by well known composers from different times: Barbara Streozzi, Gabriela Martinez, Fanny Mendelssohn, Clara Schumann and Maria Grever.

The camerata will perform on March 8th at the Mateo Herrera Auditorium of the Forum Cultural Guanajuato and will visit in the following days the Teatro de la Ciudad in Irapuato and the cultural center La Casona, in Purisima del Rincon.

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Formal presentation

Friday March 11th is the day of the official presentation of the XIII Exhibit of Guanajuatense Artists –MUAG-, a yearly exhibition dedicated to the art created by women and which this time presents some 30 participants. The exhibition has been presented since the first days of March at the Museo Casa Diego Rivera.

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The events in March

Martes de la UNAM
Del sueno a la realidad: ser mujer y profesional
Paulina Villanueva
Biblioteca Central Estatal Wigberto Jimenez Moreno (Leon)
8 de marzo, 16:00pm
Free entrance

Presentacion editorial
Discentricas. Muestra de poesia joven mexicana de mujeres
Mariana del Vergel, compiladora
Ediciones La Rana
Presentan: Paulina Mendoza, Pattho Villagran, Mariana del Vergel, Marjha Paulino y Eva Karen
Biblioteca Central Estatal Wigberto Jiménez Moreno (León)
8 de marzo, 18:00pm
Free entrance

Voces de uteros contemporaneos
Texto: Lilia Martinez
Direccion: Israel Araujo
Actuacion: Natyeli Guevara
Teatro Cervantes (Guanajuato)
Martes 8, 19:00pm
Admision general: 120 pesos Residentes: 60 pesos

Fechas adicionales
Viernes 11, 19:00pm
Teatro de la Ciudad (Purisima del Rincon)
Admision general: 50 pesos

De musas a creadoras
Camerata Femenil Regional Vientos Musicales
Dir. Inda Ortiz y Tzitzi Sanabria
Martes 8, 19:00pm
Auditorio Mateo Herrera / Forum Cultural Guanajuato (Leon)
Free entrance with ticket

Fechas adicionales:
Miercoles 9, 19:00pm
Teatro de la Ciudad (Irapuato)
Free entrance

Jueves 10, 19:00pm
La Casona (Purisima del Rincon)
Free entrance

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Artes visuales
Mujeres que miran
XIII Muestra de Artistas Guanajuatenses MUAG
Curaduria: Laura Rangel «Loreta», Ana Gomez y Maricarmen Aranda.
Del 2 de marzo al 27 de abril
Museo Casa Diego Rivera
Inauguración oficial: 11 de marzo, 13:00pm

Charla virtual
La figura femenina en el arte como musa, creadora, promotora y mecenas
Lourdes Sosa (Seminario de Cultura Mexicana)
16 de marzo, 17:00pm
FB Live: Museos IEC / Museo Hermenegildo Bustos

Ensambles de la Banda de Musica del Estado presenta:
Ana Paula Alvarez (piano) y Jhoana Vazquez (flauta)
25 de marzo, 18:00pm
Museo Palacio de los Poderes
Free entrance

Presentacion editorial
Litoral del tiempo
Margarita Paz Paredes (1922-1980)
Ediciones La Rana
Presentan: Carlos Ulises Mata, Adriana Camarena y Flor Esther Aguilera
Edificio de Gobierno (Casa Juarez)
30 de marzo, 18:00pm
Free entrance

Charla virtual
Noche de Museos Virtual
Mujeres que miran
Laura Rangel «Loreta», Ana Gomez y Maricarmen Aranda.
30 de marzo, 19:00pm
FB Live: Museos IEC

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