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IDEA GTO wants more women in industry

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IDEA GTO wants more women in industry

The Government of Guanajuato through IDEA GTO works to attract women to Industry of the Future The training program Women in the Industry of the F

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The Government of Guanajuato through IDEA GTO works to attract women to Industry of the Future

The training program Women in the Industry of the Future is launched

Silao/Gto News

In order to strengthen the skills and competencies in 3D Design of professional women in the manufacturing sector, as well as students and graduates of mechatronic engineering careers, mechanical, automotive and aerospace in Guanajuato, IDEA GTO and the Industry Alliance of the Future launched the Initiative: Women in the Industry of the Future.

Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO, noted the work that women do in the manufacturing industry and the importance they have in the development of the State, ” in Guanajuato we work in a network, an ecosystem always focused in teamwork and the use of talents, promoting collaboration to solve problems”.

The General Director of IDEA GTO said that the Valley of Mindfacture recently received recognition from Israel as the ecosystem that is growing the most in Mexico, which makes it an ecosystem with enormous potential where women can start a career and develop in STEM areas.

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Jean Pierrre Asvazadourian, Ambassador of France in Mexico, said that last year more than 375 women were part of this initiative and that they are working to exceed the number of participants because more women are needed in science, technology and industry.

“The transition from Manufacture to Mindfacture will only be possible if it is done in a more inclusive way, so this initiative allows more women to discover all the opportunities that this area offers and how they can develop professionally in this area”, said Asvazadourian.

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Alfred Rodriguez, Ambassador in Mexico of the Industry of the Future Alliance, said that this Project is a great opportunity to narrow the gender gap in the manufacturing industry, causing more and more women to be part of a profound transformation to boost their development through skills for very specific and specialized tasks.

“Women make up 52% ​​of the population and occupy less than 30% of jobs in this sector. To develop a more diverse and inclusive industry, systemic collaboration between public policies, companies, academia and society is imperative. Industries of the Future collaborates with all interested parties to design and implement plans and programs that stimulate the interaction of women in industrial careers”, said Rodriguez.

Ramón Jimenez Lopez, General Director of the National Technology of Mexico expressed the need to increase female participation in the industry and in the digital economy, which is a great challenge for the different industrial sectors, as well as for the country’s competitiveness.

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“With specialized training we strengthen women, students and teachers at the Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico, seeking to close the gap between men and women in the industry, since the industries of the future are changing the way work is done at an unprecedented pace”, said Jimenez.

The Industry Alliance of the Future of France is a triple helix mechanism that since 2015 has had a fundamental objective, to support and accompany French industry, especially SMEs, working with them in their process of transforming their business model, their organization, way of conception, production and marketing in the context of the accelerated digital transformation of the economy.

The French strategy considers that the modernization of the industry must place people at the center, seeking to mitigate mass unemployment and emphasizing inclusion, gender equality, professional equality and care for the environment.

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The call to take the Fundamentals course in CATIA 3DEXPERIENCIE (online mode) is open, those interested may apply from:

  • January 12 to February 9
  • The course will be held from February 12 to March 22

Check the bases at: 

This alliance and the activities derived from it, place Guanajuato on the path towards competitiveness and inclusion, creating in our State a living ecosystem in which women have opportunities to develop professionally and personally, so that the Valley of Mindfacture is consolidated.