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IDEA GTO launches Patent Mind program

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IDEA GTO launches Patent Mind program

The goal of the program is to guide and accompany the Guanajuato researchers in the protection of industrial property Da click en el link al final

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The goal of the program is to guide and accompany the Guanajuato researchers in the protection of industrial property

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Leon/Gto News

The “Patent Mind” Program was launched in the premises of the Universidad Iberoamericana Leon, and the Institute of Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship for Competitiveness for the State of Guanajuato -IDEA GTO- in alliance with REMARCA, the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property –IMPI-, the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato and the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development -SDES- seek to guide and accompany the Guanajuato researchers in the journey for the protection of industrial property through consultancies and different activities.


Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO, through a simple example showed attendees how the information that people have is of such relevance that it has an added value benefiting another and that information can have a price.

“Inventive work must be recognized because it will eventually migrate to innovative work, which has to do with application and translates into an economic impact on business,” said Reus Montano.

Reus said that patents are bridges that connect the world of academia, the world of research with the world of economic activity, hence the importance of protecting ideas.

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Juan Flores Pelcastre , Director of the IberoInnovacion Technology Park, mentioned the importance of the scientific community and the articulation with academic institutions, society and government to be able to move from manufacturing to Mindfacture, since the issue of patents and intellectual property is critical to achieve this step ahead.

Clases master

Lorena Hernandez Silva, Specialist “A” in Industrial Property of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property -IMPI-, stressed that initiatives such as Patent Mind 2022 are of great importance to IMPI, since they always seek to support the protection of creative and incentive technological developments of the Guanajuato inventors.

“Industrial property plays a very important role in the productive sectors, That is why it is important to favor innovation and technological development as a result of the generation of new knowledge, in such a way that this program seeks to encourage inventors to continue developing new creations that may be susceptible to protection” said Hernandez Silva.

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With Patent Mind we seek to promote the protection of Industrial Property through support and advice, as well as to increase the management capacity of Intellectual Property in Companies, entrepreneurs, Higher Education Institutions and Public and Private Research Centers of the State of Guanajuato.

For more information:

  • https://ideapps.guanajuato.gob.mx/convocatoria/114

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