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Guanajuato’s Digital Driver’s License gets approval

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Guanajuato’s Digital Driver’s License gets approval

The Information and Technologies Committee of the National Conference of Public Security Secretaries unanimously approves the issuance of the Guanaju

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The Information and Technologies Committee of the National Conference of Public Security Secretaries unanimously approves the issuance of the Guanajuato Digital Driver’s License. It will be valid in all of Mexico

Mexico City/Gto News

The Information and Technologies Committee of the National Conference of Secretaries of Public Security -CNSSP-, unanimously approved in a virtual session, the issuance of the Guanajuato Digital Driver’s License.

With the participation of the Secretary of Public Security of the State of Guanajuato, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, as the applicant institution for the Digital Driver’s License proposal, the session was chaired by the Undersecretary of Security and Citizen Protection of the Government of Mexico , General Luis Rodriguez Bucio.

In the Opinion presented by the Technical Committee on Information and Technologies of the CNSSP, it was determined that the Digital Driver’s License of the State of Guanajuato obtained 100 percent qualification in the three required areas:

  • Personal data
  • Legal aspects
  • Technological aspects

The Undersecretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Luis Rodriguez Bucio, pointed out that Guanajuato is the first State of Mexico to obtain 100 percent rating.

The next step will be for the Opinion to be included in the agenda of the next session of the National Conference of Secretaries of Public Security, which once approved, would give absolute validity throughout the national territory, to the License of Digital Driving issued by the Government of Guanajuato.

The Information and Technologies Committee of the CNSSP is also made up of authorities from the Federal Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, the Secretaries of Public Security of Sinaloa, Durango, Michoacan, the State of Mexico and Oaxaca.