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Guanajuato supports rural producers

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Guanajuato supports rural producers

Governor announces financing strategy for the Primary and Agroindustrial Sector with loans of up to 500 thousand pesos and 2 million pesos The Sta

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Governor announces financing strategy for the Primary and Agroindustrial Sector with loans of up to 500 thousand pesos and 2 million pesos

The State Government supports Guanajuato pig breeders with the Pelletizing Tower and the Balanced Feed Storage system for the production of pork

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Irapuato/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, endorsed his support for the agroindustrial sector with the announcement of credits for rural producers; in addition, he provided facilities for the production and storage of feed for the production of pork.

Feria Purísima Octubre

“Other states don’t have this, this only happens in Guanajuato, where we do believe in the field, where you producers do risk it, and where we do believe in your results. That is why my recognition goes to all the producers in the field, to all the producers, especially the pig farmers who do things very well,” said Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

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The announcement of credits to the sector to promote the adoption of new technologies was made by the Governor during a meeting with members of the Regional Livestock Union of Pig Farmers of Guanajuato –UGRPG-.

In response, to further promote this sector, the State Government, through Guanajuato Funds, addresses the sector’s financing needs by designing two financing programs for companies and businesses in the agroindustrial sector.

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The first is the Financing Program for the Primary Sector, which provides borrowers with the ability to acquire working capital, which makes them more competitive.

The financing that will be granted will be for up to 500 thousand pesos, in terms of up to 24 monthly payments with a fixed annual rate of 15 percent.

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The other financing program will be for the Agroindustrial Sector, which provides a credit for working capital and acquisition of fixed assets, with an amount of up to 2 million pesos, with a term of up to 48 months for working capital and up to 60 months for fixed assets.

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The funds will be for 170 million pesos. In addition, a guarantee fund was established in collaboration of Fondos Guanajuato and FIRA -Guarantee and Promotion Fund for Agriculture, Livestock and Poultry-, which is made up of a contribution of 50 million pesos and is enhanced 17 times, reaching 850 million pesos.

The Governor also visited the facilities of the Regional Livestock Union of Pig Farmers of Guanajuato –UGRPG-, to inaugurate the Pelletizing Tower and the Storage System. This seeks to contribute to the production of quality balanced feed for the production of quality pork.

The pelletizer is used to transform a combination of raw materials, mainly sorghum, corn, soybean paste among others, from flour to pellets.

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This pelletizing tower will make it possible to have very high-tech feed at a lower price. 50,000 producers throughout the state will benefitted directly and indirectly.

The total investment was for:

  • 12 million 096 thousand pesos total
  • 7.3 million from State origin
  • 4.7 million pesos from the UGRPG

Lorena Alfaro Garcia, Mayor of Irapuato, was in this event, as well as Paulo Banuelos Rosales, Secretary of Agro-Food and Rural Development; Agustin Zamudio Mendoza, President of the Regional State Livestock Union of Pig Farmers, among other.

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