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Guanajuato strengthens tourist identity at 60th ASETUR

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Guanajuato strengthens tourist identity at 60th ASETUR

Guanajuato's commitment to promoting tourism and preserving its cultural identity was reaffirmed Mexico City/Gto News The Secretary of Tourism

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Guanajuato’s commitment to promoting tourism and preserving its cultural identity was reaffirmed

Mexico City/Gto News

The Secretary of Tourism and Identity of Guanajuato, Lupita Robles Leon, participated in the 60th Ordinary Assembly of the Association of Tourism Secretaries of Mexico (ASETUR), where working committees and collaboration strategies were established by the Country’s 32 States, with the goal of strengthening tourism nationwide.

At the meeting, Guanajuato reaffirmed its commitment to promoting tourism and preserving its cultural identity, seeking to boost the development of the sector for the benefit of the population.

“Tourism is a fundamental pillar for the economic and cultural development of Guanajuato. We will continue working in coordination with the federal government and the states to strengthen our identity and attract more national and international visitors,” emphasized Secretary Lupita Robles Leon.

Also, a meeting was held with the Federal Secretary of Tourism, Josefina Rodriguez Zamora, who introduced her team and outlined the federal government’s vision for strengthening tourism over the next six years.

As part of efforts to consolidate Guanajuato’s tourism presence, an agreement was signed for the use of the Mexico brand, which will allow Guanajuato to integrate into the country’s international promotion strategy and strengthen its position as a key destination within the national tourism industry.

The Government of the People of Guanajuato reaffirms its leadership in the tourism sector and its commitment to continue promoting its cultural, historical, and gastronomic richness in Mexico and around the world, placing waiters, tour guides, cooks, and other tourism service providers at the center of results and decisions.

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