The Guanajuato group on a work tour in Asia is strengthening the friendship and business relation with the Japanese prefecture Da click en el link
The Guanajuato group on a work tour in Asia is strengthening the friendship and business relation with the Japanese prefecture
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Hiroshima, Japan/Gto News
As they continue with their work tour in Japan, Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, reunited with the Governor of the Prefecture of Hiroshima, Hidehiko Yuzaki, to sign the Declaration of Friendship between Guanajuato and this region of Japan.

With this declaration the friendship and good will ties are strengthened by both States and they promote the exchange of experiences and execution of activities in common interest topics and develop activities in common interests like:
- Economy, education, sports, culture, tourism and health

As part of this agreement, governors of Hiroshima and Guanajuato, led the presentation of the symbolic figure in the Forest of the Prefecture of Hiroshima commemorating the 10 years of Friendship of Guanajuato and Hiroshima.

Ten years from the first signing of the Agreement of Economic Relation by the Prefecture of Hiroshima and Guanajuato, both regions have strengthened their links through the promotion of collaboration, the exchange of knowledge and the realization of common interest activities.
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