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Guanajuato shows editorial production in Spain

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Guanajuato shows editorial production in Spain

The most successful books edited in Guanajuato are now available for Spanish readers Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español:

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The most successful books edited in Guanajuato are now available for Spanish readers

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Madrid, Spain/Gto News

Five of the most notable Guanajuato publications of last year were presented in Madrid, as part of Guanajuato Week, organized by the Casa de Mexico Foundation in Spain, in collaboration with the State Government.


This program included three titles published by the State Institute of Culture:

  • The commemorative book “Cervantino International Festival: 50 years”
  • The essay anthology “Olafo and friends. Jorge Ibarguengoitia and the Avianca plane crash in 1983”
  • “When they tell you about love and illusions”, a study on the poetics of Jose Alfredo Jimenez, written by Paloma Jimenez Galvez
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Two volumes dedicated to bullfighting were also shared with the Spanish public:

  • “Olé”, an object book that examines 500 years of bullfighting, with texts by Jose Carlos Arevalo, Rafael Cue and François Zumbiehl and images by Arjona
  • “Silveti”, the chronicle of this bullfighting dynasty that spans four generations, in which Juan Pellicer, Luis Alegre, Rafael Cue, Francisco and Juan Prieto collaborated
Guanajuato Editorial production in Spain 4

On a different day of activities, the Multi-Purpose Room of the Casa de Mexico Foundation in Spain received the presentation of “Olafo and friends. Jorge Ibargüengoitia y el avionazo de Avianca en 1983”, a volume coordinated by Amaranta Caballero that brings together essays by nine authors, to recover the memory of the notable Latin American artists and intellectuals who perished in that air tragedy, precisely in the vicinity of Madrid.

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The conversation on the presentation of this volume brought together Caballero, the writer and professor Sandra Lorenzano, the researcher Antonio Sanchez Jimenez and Adriana Camarena, director of the State Institute of Culture, with the moderation of Jose Carlos Morales.

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Finally, “When they tell you about love and illusions”, brought together Paloma Jimenez Galvez, the doctor of philosophy Maria Victoria Arechabala and the Mexican writer Juan Villoro; who were with the Guanajuato musician Leon de Marco interpreting songs by Jose Alfredo Jimenez.

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Camarena de Obeso commented that the titles presented in Spain are a sample of the rigor that characterizes the selection of content and the publication process of the State Institute of Culture, whose publishing label, Ediciones La Rana, produces some twenty titles a year.

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