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Guanajuato Says Yes to Love

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Guanajuato Says Yes to Love

The Day of Love and Friendship is celebrated with collective marriages in 10 municipalities Leon/Gto News Guanajuato Says Yes to Love, on the D

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The Day of Love and Friendship is celebrated with collective marriages in 10 municipalities

Leon/Gto News

Guanajuato Says Yes to Love, on the Day of Love and Friendship, and the Government Secretary, the State DIF and the Social and Human Development Secretary celebrated 432 civil marriages for the first time. simultaneously in 10 municipalities.

With the Collective Marriage campaign “Guanajuato Says Yes to Love”, said the Director of the Civil Registry, Juan Hinojosa Diéguez, these transversal actions are promoted with the purpose of regularizing the civil status of people in Guanajuato for free.

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“The objective is to guarantee the universal right to identity, by providing legal certainty to couples who, for some reason, have not been able to formalize their relationship, which will be achieved through the celebration of their civil marriage and obtaining their marriage certificate”, said Hinojosa.

The municipalities that were participants in the program “Guanajuato Says Yes to Love” on the Day of Love and Friendship are:

  • Purisima del Rincon, San Luis de la Paz, San Miguel de Allende, Dolores Hidalgo, Irapuato, Salamanca, Ciudad Manuel Doblado, Acambaro, Celaya and Leon, working in coordination with the State DIF, local DIF; as well as, with the “Gto Contigo Si” Centers
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In Leon at the Guanajuato Contigo Si Center in Villas de San Nicolas, 77 civil marriages were celebrated, among them is that of Luis Gerardo Hernandez Arenas and Laura Jacqueline Ramirez Castro, who have been a couple for 9 years, and are parents of 2 sons.

Both decided to formalize their union, and they benefited from the Collective Marriage campaign “Guanajuato Says Yes to Love”, and with this, they managed to formalize their relationship, they now have legal certainty from the issuance of their marriage certificate, which will bring rights and obligations for themselves and between both of them.

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“We promote these types of campaigns to facilitate and bring them free of charge to all people, especially for vulnerable and low-income people. We want it not to be an impediment to regularizing their marriage,” said the head of the team of the Civil Registry Office acting in the Center Guanajuato Contigo Si at Villas de San Nicolas.

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